
They could also not pump out new Pokemon games as fast

If this dude was a small time streamer nobody would give a shit. However, since he isn’t, people are upset that they can’t ride his coattails. Go figure

You have to admit, if a huge portion of our population wasn’t ignorant then it wouldn’t matter what he said. It really is not that hard to get on the Internet and view the peer reviewed studies or scientific reports.

Its not just parents raising their kids that is a problem, it is our society as well. Movies where the douche bag still gets the girl at the end. Media objectifying women and when the women starting rising up against this that same media state objectification is empowering. Now the media can still get away with it and

Woah, she wasn't given that name at birth?  Loses some of the awe and mystery

“Imagine if the US had an additional $6 billion to play with yearly”

This is a reminder that no matter how much money and fame some people possess, mental illness affects everyone.

The politicians people donate to is their own business. If people don’t like who they donate to then donate and campaign for a replacement. Cancelling them over their donation is just asinine.  Not like the U.S. government hasn’t donated to brutal dictators (Sadaam Hussein) and the country is still doing fine or at

If these companies were smart they would are raised employee salaries and then state to compensate they are raising game prices. Pretty hard to disagree with that

IMO, supply has nothing to do with this rising cost. I believe the fault lies squarely with state and county gas taxes. Back in 2011 oil cost a little over $100 a barrel and the gas prices in my state (Florida) peaked at $3.25 average for the year. When oil cost $83 a barrel, back on Nov 2, 2021, I was paying roughly

“I don’t think anyone knew oil companies would be funding our grants. These companies are using Fulbright to essentially launder their image. They’re positioning themselves as indispensable to the U.S. government, which, in my opinion, shouldn’t be beholden to corporations, especially in public diplomacy programs.”

Shit, I would be happy with 5%.  The highest raise I got at my current company is 3%

What hype? I have been a Bebop fan since the show originally aired, in Japan, and am not impressed with this remake. It is like Netflix is trying to ride the anime hype train but is not a conductor. I would honestly rather have the story extended into another Anime. I swear to god if they try to live action remake

Well, I agree with what you said. The same could be said about Democrats and Immigration reform that they didn’t care about when they had the House, Senate, and Presidency under Obama. Since Trump came into office, they now care all of a sudden. Kind of like they are using people’s pain and suffering to get votes,

So yeah, I wasn’t planning on watching this special but all the articles and vitriol about it made me change my mind. I wanted to know what was so bad that people are lighting torches and carrying pitch forks. I just finished the special 10 minutes ago and I have to say, I don’t see where all the hate is coming from.

I love when these companies try to smear a whistleblower in the first sentence of their response. No one asked about his but they decided to throw out potential dirty laundry. Leads one to believe that the whistleblower is telling the truth.

In addition to making casually sexist remarks about women being inferior athletes to men”

As far as I know no one else is employing this kind of tech. If there was I would agree with you but maybe these joint ventures with Amazon will make other companies take notice, like with how Amazon started the smart speaker space.

Major corporations don’t care about infidelity, as long as it was consensual between both parties.  Now videotaping in the bathroom is another thing...

WTF is wrong with you? A woman died and all you can reply with is snark. No empathy whatsoever yet you probably want people to be empathetic to your causes or things you care about.