

Your math is wrong.  You dont multiply the hours by the amount of the movie.  Should be just $10 x 10 to equal $100

Decent movie but I didn’t realize it pulled in enough revenue for a sequel.

Yeah, I kind of agree with this App company.  If they want to have an app for only anti-vaxxers then there is nothing wrong with that.  It would be a different story if it was for whites only though.

Is this supposed to be journalism or blogging?  I would assume blogging since journalists are not supposed to inject their opinion/bias into the articles they write while bloggers have free reign.

When I lived in Japan they sold a powder (don’t remember the name) that congealed oil. Then you just dumped the solid oil in the garbage, no jars or bottles necessary. I have been looking around for the past 8 years and cannot find that powder in the states or online.

The only solution is for the U.S. to change its regulations. They did this before and it stopped Cellebrite from selling its hardware/software to China and Hong Kong. So these Human rights groups should lobby the U.S. government (i.e. Congress), not the Stock Exchange, because even without being listed Cellebrite will

Could these heat waves, presumably caused by Global Warming, have any impact on the fact that the tropical storms for this season are so low? There were 6 named tropical storms between May and Jul 11 2020 while only 1 for the same time period this year (knock on wood).

Well, snake eyes is no longer white in this movie so I assume that story line has been retconned.

This guy, this guy gets his comment approved with racist language in it. But none of my comments, which don’t have racist/homophobic language, are ever approved and are stuck in pending status. So is Gizmodo racist/homophobic or are they only approving comments that fan the flames and get people to click on articles?

I wonder what it was in the bones that led Chuang Zhao to imagine that the Dragon Man was ripped (i.e. 9 pack abs)

This is true. Children aren’t necessary for a fulfilling life...just for the survival of our species. Also, don’t forget taxes. Less kids = Less future workers = Less taxes = Less Social programs = Armageddon.

“Why You’re Probably Not Getting a Switch Pro This Year”

That made for uncomfortable situations to say the least, and I really cannot wrap my head around how LMM (the White Person’s Latinx version of a high yellow dreamchild) somehow did not see colorism being a major problem with his latest work, prior to its release.”

Damn, so much waste/pollution in producing these for individual franchises. Nintendo needs more money though or they might not be able to feed their families, so I understand.

Well, this is good news to hear. I was seriously worried about this show when either the director or show creator made it seem like the concept of a time organization was somehow new and revolutionary when that trope has been used countless times before. Example, Umbrella Academy

Well, maybe the bureaucrats we elected should close the tax loop holes? Oh wait. I forgot that a majority of them receive bribes, I mean campaign contributions, therefore they won’t do that.

Sorry about that kid but anything can injure anyone. Cops have guns, dogs, and Tasers but people still run. Greater chance of people being injured/killed from those items the the Bola. Better yet, don’t run and there is a greater chance that there won’t be an injury.

Just seems like someone is Salty that they aren’t getting the same attention

So this is where a lot of energy consumption is going to and also contributing to global warming.