
I understand this person is not 300lb but she is 6' 8 and 235 (according to her own post). While calling out the size difference between players, if he would have been more accurate and said she was 235lb instead of the estimated 300lb would that have made it better?

Am I the only one who thinks that this movie has way too many high profile Hollywood names attached? I see this and my first thought is that it will not be a good movie.

This was a hard read due to the distraction caused by the movie name being repeatedly dropped throughout the post. Is there a word count or movie name count requirement for reviews at Gizmodo? There were plenty of paragraphs where you could have said “In the movie” instead of “In Those Who Wish Me Dead”. Us readers

I just assumed that the author has a vendetta against Amazon therefore having to admit their product is good is annoying to them. Kind of like admitting Trump did anything right.

I disagree. Apple made $64 Billion off the app store in 2020. This means that apps in the Apple store made roughly $211 billion. Even if Apple charged 12 percent they would make at least $25 Billion, which I doubt they would use even half of that to run the app store. How is this not financially profitable? If

Musk and his companies/products are changing human history. Tesla finally made other car companies pay attention to and make EVs. His other companies are breaking the Internet ISP monopoly in America and making space flight affordable and renewable. He is a very important person, whether you like his personality or

Have you read it? I know I haven’t and I would assume a majority of the population hasn’t even though it is only 14 pages instead of the normal 600+ page congressional bills.  Maybe if someone read it on TikTok, Instagram, or Youtube more people would be informed.  

If this came with some type of extended warranty I would be all over it. Would hate to spend $700 on something that could potentially breakdown with no kind of support.

What happened to this story on this site? Halfway through there is another story added on about an alleged abusive relationship with another couple and Thandiwe’s story just ends abruptly without any notice.  

Big Oil is right, they do play a part in a majority of products people use on a daily basis. However maybe, just maybe, this show will make people realize that consumerism also plays a huge part in global warming. If that happens maybe people will hold onto things longer and reduce their own carbon footprint by not

See Lucas film was trying to make a point. That Trans people are aliens and shouldn’t be counted as humans. /s

I’m not against interracial relationships. I mean, it couldn’t be me”

Actually, Highlander 2 did it first in 1991 while the Simpsons episode takes place in 1995.  Also, the Highlander shield was in response to global warming while the Simpsons Sun shield was due to greed.

It was not made to appease a fanbase.  That way of thinking is probably why a bunch of people are mad about this new cut existing.  The company saw a rabid fanbase and decided that they could profit off of this.  They didn’t pay $70M just for the fans benefit, they aren’t a charity organization.

No, it doesn’t mean almost anything. If people think pizza is better than hotdogs that doesn’t mean almost anything. Just like saying one movie is better than its previous incarnation doesn’t mean almost anything.  If you want specifics then ask

Ahhh, yes.  A time when the box art looked better than the actual game

Well, it would have been nice if this article had the details that are readily available.  Information below with the source of the information afterwards.

No company ripped off TikTok. TikTok clearly copied Vine and implemented a couple of configuration differences that made it more successful. So if anything all these companies copied Vine. 

Most rich people are dicks, they just keep it out of the public arena and behind closed doors/NDA’s so that way their brand image isn’t hurt.

If people spent more time researching what they are voting on instead of wasting time on TikTok, Instagram, and other social media then this wouldn’t have happened.