
If the government really cared about people not having access to running water they wouldn’t charge for it. Also, lack of access to water shouldn’t be broken down by hot/cold since no one specifically plumbs for either one of those temperature types. They plumb just to bring water to the home and to the heating

So Apple TV+ allows you to access the Apple movie/TV store and purchase/watch purchased content? Would I need a Apple TV subscription in order to take advantage of this? Just asking because I am not in the Apple Eco system and I currently miss out on their movie/TV sales because my phone is not made by Apple. I also

The title of the article should read “The project trying to get shutdown by Nintendo”. More accurate

You had me until you mentioned Samsung. You must not have an android phone because while Android users have choice to sideload ANY app store and almost no one uses the Samsung store, they use Google Play. See, Google knows they have a good product so they gain and retain customers based on that instead of forcing

Racist comments or not, the person won the competition.  If they want to ban him from future competition I would understand however the game is already over and he clearly won before the comments were brought up. Just seems like a knee jerk reaction to something that is not even defined in the rules of the game.  

My family and I watched 3 episodes of Korra when it came out years ago and dropped the series. I know people say it gets better but viewers shouldn’t have to suffer through multiple seasons to get to the payoff. Aangs was a better hero’s journey than Korra’s IMO.

Doubt Facebook is stalling for anything. Maybe they don’t want people, who never had a hand in building their company, get to dictate and bully their business? I know it’s a shock to most people when a company doesn’t laydown and surrender whenever some self righteous group or people come along but it does happen.

It’s their company.  Why should they have to give in to extortion?

There is nothing wrong with hating Trump but don’t let that hatred blind you to the obvious. The poster Iexplex is right, they are using TikTok to tool/configure their recognition software. You know, the same recognition software that is used to identify the Uyghur people so that they can be shuttled off to detainment

I would hope that most people wouldn’t just look at a number, good or bad, and make a decision based off of that without reading the reviews. I admit that some of the bad reviews are one or two lines which could be because people are being lazy or they didn’t play the game. Unfortunately, since I don’t know for sure I

I now have to tell my nephew to stop calling me Uncle because of the racial connotations. /s

Aunt Jemima and now Uncle Ben.  Pretty soon the only mascots will be either white or animals.  Something kind of feels wrong about that

I don’t understand the problem with this. Walmart and other box store do this. They create their own generic products and price them underneath the competition they are trying to replace. Easy for these companies to do it because they aggregate data from their POS machines. If they plan on taking Amazon to task over

“Tesla Claiming It’s Sustainable Is Bullshit”

If anything Disney may have a case out of the people making and selling the patches because I doubt that these police departments have a stitching unit that is making it for them. Therefore Disney would lose any lawsuit against the police departments since they aren’t generating the patches themselves, only buying

Before they ran away? The_Donald was quarantined and then they started their own website.

Would an apology have been acceptable though for the people he offended?  History has shown us that more than likely it wouldn’t have.  Someone would have needed to be fired so I guess this was an accurate response.

This shows ratings were terrible. The writing and Ruby Rose couldn’t carry the show so something had to change. I would have preferred a writing change but I don’t know if Ruby Rose could have acted any better with a new script.  Oh well, we will never know now.

She posted it to Instagram and some of the co-workers followed her.

Why doesn’t anyone look at it from the business side? The business doesn’t want to have dealing with someone who is in the pornography business since it would look bad on them. So if she was prostituting on the side and people found out that would be ok? How about if one of her co-workers runs a chapter of the KKK on