
You nailed it. Same thing I thought

The first joker in the picture looks like he is 26 and into EMO.  The second one looks older and not into EMO.  Only difference I saw.

I priced a build with these components. Before OS/RAM it was around $970 however with RAM/OS it was around mid $1100. Would be simpler just to buy the Zotac Mek Mini with the Nvidia 2060 which would be around the same price as the system I would build on my own.

I priced a build with these components. Before OS/RAM it was around $970 however with RAM/OS it was around mid

It’s a game for god’s sake.  I don’t know why people look for video games to be the herald of morality.  This is the slippery slope blizzard have found themselves on when they wanted to put a backstory in a FPS.  

It’s not updating the card art that is upsetting, it is that they lie about the reason. I mean come on, they removed the blood from one card and the reason was to get away from Warcraft lore. If they lie about this then what else would they change and lie about. If you can’t trust them to be honest on this small issue

Fine, lets say it is not censorship.  Why did they need to lie then?  

The recent changes were applied to make those cards more visually cohesive and consistent with the art style of Hearthstone today. When Hearthstone first launched, we brought in a lot of artwork from the physical World of Warcrafttrading card game. In the years since, Hearthstone has developed a look, feel, and

Taking more time to defeat is why it is called a boss battle.  

Your response is asinine. Companies should get robbed from trying to save money and following local laws of China? All your statement proved is that China steals from companies and it is legal in their country according to the law they make. Yep, it’s about time tech companies left that totalitarian country

We have technically four carriers however one of them has terrible coverage and is pretty much dead however somehow it is being propped up (Sprint). Eventually, Sprint will collapse whether this merger goes through or not.

Chrome on mobile does not have an ad blocker nor give you the option to add one.  So for mobile this browser is a big deal, desktop not so much.

The problem is that America already had its polluting industrial revolution and polluting is not nearly as bad as it was 80 years ago. (Watch “The Men who Made America”. America used to dump gasoline on the ground due to not knowing what to do with it)

So treat people like babies instead of teaching them about the dangers of the Internet and how to not fall for malware tactics. Lets surround them in a baby proof home and teach them nothing because they are too ignorant to know any better.

I wouldn’t say incorrect because that gives the impression that Gmail never did this.

GMAIL already does this. Plenty of times I read an email and then I get an advertisement for something found in the email

Freedom? His fans don’t owe him anything and he doesn’t owe them anything as well. Just because they hate the guy doesn’t mean that he has to.

The reason it doesn’t come fast and furious is because they have a union. Not saying this guy isn’t guilty but some E-sports individuals get affected with no evidence provided. E-Sports players should unionize

That’s some discount for signing up for 12 months instead of monthly. A whopping 88 cents at that.

I don’t understand why people on Facebook expect the privacy of their data when Facebook makes money off of selling user data