
Eternals: They Snyder Cut is what the REAL fans want to see. 

It’s also nearly 30 minutes longer than the other two marvel movies released this year, and way longer than Venom. I’m wondering if that impacted the number of available showings. The theater I saw it in was a near sellout, and that was just a regular showing. The IMAX and Dolby showings were sold out. 

Now I’m wondering if you understood what I meant when I said “I understand your point”...? I get what you’re saying. I understood it when you first said it. 

I understand your point. I can’t tell if you’re actually missing mine or just pretending to...?

I understand that. I’m saying it’s an odd argument to make to say that the sequel probably won’t get made because adding in a bunch of stuff that’s unnecessary to the sequel would be incredibly expensive and make the movie too expensive to film.

The next one would, presumably, cover the second half of the first book. That takes place almost exclusively on locations that were already included in the first movie. I’m not even sure what Tleilaxu and the Ixians are since I’ve only read the first book, so I don’t see any reason why a sequel would have to include a

I think the standard calculus doesn’t quite work on movies that come out during the pandemic. The calculation for any movie (sequels included) is “will it be profitable upon release?” This one not being fully profitable doesn’t answer that questions because the pandemic depresses revenues- they’re not going to say “we

And not even accurate. I liked the first one just fine, but seeing this one last night was BRUTAL. The jokes don’t work, the characters’ behaviors don’t make any sense (even relative to how much sense the first one made), the CGI is frequently bad, and the acting choices are just bonkers (in a very bad way). Just an


So now it’s not just the phrasing, but the action itself that’s racist. Disney took an action to maximize their profits which resulted in a record breaking return on their investment, so it was a calculated risk in the middle of a pandemic that they took specifically because they wanted to make a ton of money, but

Pointing out the problems with the comments section has apparently caused me to be re-relegated to the greys. This site is truly atrocious. 

Lol, pointing this out has apparently relegated me back to the greys that I had escaped previously. Fucking hell this site sucks. 

This makes zero sense. A) Free Guy was also trying out this release window, and B) Scarlett Johansen is SUING them for NOT using this release window. So it’s literally what many people think will maximize their revenues, so they’re experimenting with it because they’re hoping it will make them the most money.

I have an oculus and have tried that. It’s cool, but the tech (at least for mainstream consumers) isn’t QUITE there yet. The image quality isn’t good enough to really make the movie pop. Maybe another 5 years or so and we’ll get there (Oculus 3 or 4?), but not at the moment.

When did the functionality of io9's comment section become EGREGIOUSLY AWFUL? I’ve got notifications of a dozen replies that are nowhere to be found on this page when I try to actually pull them up. On other pages when someone has replied to one of my comments I can hardly ever even find my own comment, let alone the

He’d never have left a “diversion” team to die in order to succeed, and he was shown to not want to let them cover up Project Starfish.”

Or “Gunn Explains Why Amanda Waller Wanted That Character Dead”

He was the badass professional and totally got nerfed by Gunn.”

The problem with all these “he would be unwilling to complete this mission the way she wanted” rationalizations is that they don’t explain why she wants him dead- they just explain why she wouldn’t send him on that mission. He’s still supposedly one of the world’s greatest soldiers, so he is still an incredibly useful

“He almost certainly took exception to the label and had every right to do so.”