
Strangers breathing on the back of your neck? I’m not sure if you’re doing it right when you go to the movies bucko.

Yikes. That’s the lasts time I compliment a chief for the good work they’re doing. 

Can’t have anyone posting about someone’s virtue signaling without someone else posting about how virtue signals inevitably lead to comments about how it’s virtue signaling.

True. It’s impossible to leave the house without almost certainly exposing oneself to covid. We’ve learned that over the past year and a half. Behind your front door is the only safe space.

Totally. You know, that totally common pastime of just popping into message boards that are specifically about some topic to then claim that you don’t like that topic but actually just enjoy other hobbies. And then have 12 people like your comment for it. Right right, io9 is FULL of those exchanges.

Can’t have a movie post on io9 without someone chiming in to virtue signal how they’re just so dedicated to social distancing that they haven’t left the home in 2 years. Great work chief :)

So Jumanji FOUR is coming because of how the first TWO movie were such massive hits? And a THIRD movie is coming? And the link is “/jumanji-3-is-coming-its-just-a-matter-of-when-1847446770"? And didn’t you mix up the two dates on the movies (Welcome to the Jungle was the first one and Next Level the sequel)?

Lol, you made a pedantic comment in response to the author, people pointed out how absurd it was, and now you’re infuriated at other people for making pedantic comments back at you, including taking the time to type out a comment with mixed caps, bolded, etc., to criticize people for taking too much time to point out

Bingo. They’re “fine” in terms of audio quality. But when I go for bike rides in DC it’s an absolute necessity to be able to hear the traffic and pedestrians around me, and my Aftershox (sp?) are awesome for that. 

Not to mention that Chris Pratt is an objectively terrible actor. He’s perfect for the goofy but lovable role, a la Parks and Rec, but outside of that he’s fairly atrocious. 

I mean, 100% agree, but it’s also very obviously designed to appeal to under 10 year olds. The G rated movies I loved when I was 5 years old weren’t great movies either, but they didn’t have to be- they were intended to appeal to me and to give my parents about 80-90 minutes of relaxation time. I just think it’s super

Good lord io9 commenters, who hurt you? So much negativity and vitriol for a movie that is clearly designed for kids 10 and under about a gigantic dog that engages in wacky shenanigans. The amount of negativity on here is sociologically concerning.

Exactly. Seems pretty obvious in the trailer that Clifford is licking the dog and his tongue is so big he accidentally pulls him into his mouth before hilariously (at least in the opinion my 7 year old niece and anyone else that is the target demographic here) spitting him out.

A quick google search shows Australia’s vaccination rate is currently at 4.8% being fully vaccinated- literally 1/10th of the US vaccination rate. That’s why they have to institute lockdowns. We will likely see flair ups in various unvaccinated groups in the fall/winter, which MAY result in local governments trying to

Lol, describing these as car movies where “Car Go Vroom vol 9" is hilariously inaccurate. These are superhero movies, and cars dragracing on city streets hasn’t been the focus of these movie since at least Fast Five, which came out more than 10 years ago. Maybe actually watch some of the movies instead of smugly

Just push your birthday back for a few weeks. Problem solved. 

Why wouldn’t releasing it on HBOMax two months after its theatrical release accomplish that without also discouraging some moderately interested people from shelling out for a ticket during its theatrical run? I don’t think there’s an informed analyst alive (or literally any sophomore college student that took econ

Looks like it. 

I was completely unimpressed with the first trailer, but this one is much better. Still not totally sold, but who am I kidding- I’m gonna see it opening weekend no matter what :)

Agreed. I tried watching Clone Wars but gave up after a bit because it was mostly just childish nonsense. People always tell me it gets better, but I’m not watching dozens of bad episodes of a TV show just to eventually find the good ones. There’s just too much other content that’s actually worth consuming nowadays