
Trump will never set foot in the white house again.

It’s hilarious how many commenters are convinced of the “poor storytelling” of a series they can’t possibly have seen yet.

You (and I mean Disney and all other corporations) will never appease fascists, trolls, theocrats, racists, and misogynists.

The only thing that sucks more than the modern Star Wars iterations is Star Wars fans. Seriously, what a bunch of human garbage, fuck off and die, MAGAt scumbags.

Within my lifetime I’ve seen racism go from something to keep quiet among racist friends to something some people are *proud* of.

don’t we have enough real wars to be upset about?

Considering the great reviews it’s been getting and the fact that the previous show Headland created was the amazing Russian Doll, I’m going to say no, I don’t think that’s what’s happening.

Alternatively, this is Disney reacting to the sustained racist/sexist/etc. diatribes that have already been levelled against the show prior to its release, apparently merely for existing.

It is (but probably shouldn’t be) astonishing to me what is happening with the billionaire class in the US right now. Economic inequality is the highest it’s been since before the Great Depression, we have a guy running for president who wants to INCREASE that inequality, and he is considering appointing a billionaire

The Delaware court can block it on the grounds that it is done to circumvent a Delaware court ruling in order to enrich a specific individual. The Delaware Court of Chancery has immense and serious power.

But next time they’ll be based in Texas where the courts are extraordinarily management-friendly and the attitude is WAHOO GET THAT BAG OF MONEY *fires revolvers in the air*

Why anyone thinks Musk can deliver on AI after his floundering with FSD is beyond me. He’s proven himself to be the epitome of a mediocre white man failing upward, with zero consequences for being a bigoted, trash human being.

It would be great if people would stop using phrases like “reactionary culture war.”

I don’t care your skin color. Take a fucking shower if you start to smell. I wish, if anything, airlines would start taking body odor much more seriously as an issue. I have been on flights with people who really fucking reek to the point of making you gag. If having your BO pointed out is really that traumatic, then

What price hike?  It’s $13.99 a month for an individual.  I would honestly cancel every other streaming subscription before YT Premium. It’s 95% of what I watch and I catch a lot of live music recordings on it.  I can download stuff to watch on flights or live music you can’t find anywhere else. Unless your watching

Right. All those people bought them because mean Joe Biden forced them to.

There is no such deadline. 

It is honestly too much of a learning curve for many.

Hey look, everyone - a genuine idiot!  Let’s watch and see what it does.

Until 4 days into ownership, it gets stolen or carjacked.