
This man has no gag reflex.

Because they don’t have the brains, they don’t have the guts, and they will never take a risk!”

You really, really need to write for Jalopnik. This would be the post of the year.

But also if Elon reopens the SC Department, who’s gonna go work for them? He just let go people who A. have extensive knowledge of their systems, and B. probably hold a grudge. No amount of NDAs is gonna stop them from sharing said secrets to competitors. If I was Mercedes or BMW, I would be contacting those folks

I was ready to shit all over this guy’s take, but the grade school presentation flip charts with multiple misspellings really pulled it all together for me.

Any “business man” who claims you can fire an entire product team because the product is perfect and will never/could never be improved on, is not someone you ever want to listen to about anything!

Who else is going to give you rear wheel steering? Who else is going to give you steer-by-wire?”

“Elon Musk is the greatest person on the planet right now. Nobody else has made a rocket ship that will go to Mars.

Slow clap for this long response.

Thanks for breaking it down so I don’t have to watch it. I used to appreciate Munro’s insights, but as it became more and more obvious he was so far up the ass of “integrate everything until it’s a single piece car”, that’s when I tuned out.

...That literally means nothing.

“Rich CEO had no culpability because even though he lied about the death machine he built, non-experts should have known better”...

So,... What you’re saying specifically is that he misled them about the risks?

I am so tired of this, “lets disrupt the system” “everyone can be an expert” “science is just a conspiracy” garbage. We stand on the shoulders of giants who have given yes the wonders of science and technology we have today and we are diving off those shoulders to pile drive into the cold unyielding ground. We are all

You honestly think that they advertised that they had been told that it was not a question of IF but WHEN it would fail? You think that they just told potential customers that it would fail at some point at depth and everyone inside would be killed?

It was obviously heavily implied that it was safe,... Do you honestly think that they would get many takers if they advertised “many experienced submariners have told me that this sub is definitely a death trap”?

Nah, he’s just stupid. Remember when he fired most of Twitter’s staff? Like a week later he was begging some of them to come back because he didn’t have enough experienced personnel to keep the site working.  He just fired people willy-nilly without bothering to learn what they did or why Twitter had so many employees

and more focus on 100% uptime and expansions of existing locations

Best theory I’ve seen so far:

You cannot trust a word this pos says.