
That second line sounded more like Rocket than Star Lord. <shrug>

Wait!  You mean being a lineman would be a legitimate excuse to get out of family functions!?  Damn, did I ever screw up career day :(

I dunno, sounds like Adelstein might be lucky to find a game of checkers going forward. “I lost! You must have cheated! Give me my money back” is what leads to one-way trips up to boot hill. Who wants to put up with that?

“’The last thing you wan to do, in a world of hormone-addled teens, is to stick out as The Rich Kid.”

Here’s a good example of where the ‘/s’ tag could be the difference between satirical snark and truly pathetic.

Don’t they normally travel in pairs?

I wish more companies would voluntarily do this. Not “because, Jesus”, but because, just relax. Not every day of the week needs to be spent producing or consuming.

Even with godmode, this looks obscenely tedious. Congrats on proof of concept, I guess. It looks interesting, but that’s all it is.

To paraphrase LBJ, if Joe Biden walked on water, Fox news would say he couldn’t swim!

Substitute ‘Terri Schiavo’ for Building Jeep in China’ and we have very similar stories vis-a-vis things just not adding up.

“sank due to deteriorating weather conditions” and “Worsening weather conditions made it impossible....”

IANAL; I do not disagree. But as far as I know it, from a quick search “Punitive damages, also known as “exemplary damages,” are a monetary amount awarded to a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit for the purpose of punishing the defendant, or to deter him from engaging in the same conduct in the future. ” So as I see it, the

Yeah, no. I am not going down this rabbit hole of contrived situations and outcomes. Yes, if you can show that the designers of your bike or car knew of limitations of their designs that might lead to injury under conditions reasonably anticipated during NORMAL operation, then yes, you might likely persuade a jury to

I don’t know that what was “required” is the point of the damages. It seems that the jury was convinced that Ford knew that the weak roof (my words) could collapse and kill people on roll over and hence, bore some responsibility for that outcome as it is reasonable to assume that some very small portion of your total

If you yell “I hate whites” while attacking, then yes, it fits the definition of a hate crime. The point is motivation and intent of the attack which is independent of the race of the attacker.

Read the article twice, no mention of spit. If that’s the case, I’m surprised that the author did not include it. Throwing hands because “I love *rump” is one thing. Spitting, on the other hand, is one of those things that many feel warrants a physical response. It’s about as a derogatory interpersonal action as it

In that situation anyone could have said something to piss off the aggressor. “Do I love Trump? You bet, now what are you going to do about it?” So, yeah, So it’s less about rump than it is that three kids got it in their heads that lumping up on a single old lady might not be the best way to spend an afternoon.

Your grandmother is Oscar winning Whoopi, and your “big break” is being on a reality show? I’d think with that pedigree you’d be working the craft since early childhood and a “reality” show would be considered slumming it. <shrug, what-do-I-know.>
BTW, ‘my grandmother is annoying’ is what I would expect to hear from

I think the upcoming EV Blazer gives you the choice of FWD, AWD, OR RWD, depending on the trim.  W/o needing to engineer a lot of mechanicals, it seems like they are free to let their hair down.

And this is a surprise to whom? Don’t work out your own plan, force the Feds to institute controls, start caterwauling and work up faux outrage, complain about Federal over reach and sue them in Federal court, get the current supreme court to strike down any pre-existing federal jurisdiction of the situation and