
Jennifer Aniston being ripped to shreds as some shallow, selfish career woman.”

Back in the late 70's, there was this guy who lined the area of his hood release with razors. Nowadays, I say just let them have the part/car. Beats them coming back with their buds and going all ‘drive by’ on your hiney. Nobody seems to walk away with lessons learned anymore.

Eh, give the guy a break. The “How to tell..” trope is the modern ‘slow clap’.  He had it in his back pocket and found his moment. A worthy accomplishment in the list of Internet Threads must-dos.

>EVs must now be assembled in North America

Hey, a happy happenstance would still be a HAPPY happenstance.

Which has been a successful tactic when?

I’m sure he has top men working on the project.

You magnificent bastard.

I was too, by a longshot. Doesn’t mean I didn’t stop channel surfing when I hit that show, amongst others. And yes, SpongeBob was and still is the best comfort television. Even if we’re just talking the first 12 or so seasons.

Yeah, have to agree. Once I had my Reaper seal, there wasn’t wasn’t much to keep me interested since the light/power grind isn’t worth anything unless you want to do Grandmaster Nightfalls. As for Solstice, once I saw it required PVP to progress I was immediately out. Oddly, I re-installed Destiny 1 on my PS4 and was

Counter Point: Nah, there’s no such thing as a bullet-proof vehicle. The Bolt has been gone over so deeply at this point that there’s probably no difference is any sort of ‘risk’ between it and any other BEV. Grab the money and get on with life; no fire-sale, pun intended, needed.

A direct hit? Sure. But chances are, this things has a 3 - 6 ft accuracy. Those blades help to fill that void as well as any shock from the kinetic energy. So yeah, it’s not guaranteed that you won’t know what hit you and you could bleed out as the dust settles around you. BTW: I’m not implying any morality or ethics

Aside from the fact that there are deaths involved, there is no relationship between the situations you provide. If a car manufacturer is going to market a vehicle that is “self driving”, then they will bear a portion of the responsibility for accidents that system causes. What percentage? That might ultimately be up

I was told back in college the helos were the #1 cause of death amongst geologists at the time. This was one of the reasons, landing on an oil platform and walking the wrong way...

Just being distracted in thought is enough. We had a young lady killed here. She got off the bus (not school) and just walked around the front to cross the street and walked right into traffic.  End of her day, unfortunately.  It is amazing what people will do when their mind’s pre-occupied.

Agreed. Not to mention that if a being could snap a universe, and all it inhabitants, into existence, they could also see that their ‘book’ is written the way that they want it written. Just an observation that a lot of these sort of edgy quips really don’t mean much if the creator in question has singular and complete

An “incomparable talent” or Devine intervention? I prefer the former, but hey, if you want to credit all your success to some magic man in the sky and not due to hard work and talent, then that’s OK too. Just pick one and go with it.

Edgy, but wrong. Shareholders are the owners of the company. Their hope and expectation is that the value of the company will go up so that when they sell their stake in ownership they can make a profit. The people that buy their products are the customers, full stop. If management makes decisions that drives down the

Here’s a great example of when a post and reply to that post can be equally spot-on. Interesting.

Heh, I used to use that same logic when we were into boating I could craft all sorts of rationales for why a new (used) boat but just 3 ft longer would actually save us money over our current situation. That, was the most expensive money I ever saved.
BTW: Not judging the OP. Life is for living, not managing a ledger