
“Coal” <chortle> An industry dying not because of regulation but because the market is selecting it for extermination. It’s hard, labor intensive to mine and ship, its boilers plants are large and inefficient, and users have to manage the fly ash on the back end on their dime as well. Natural gas is giving coal

In the past, I lived in Bethesda, MD. A town on the edge of Wash. D.C. My office was the next block over. I could roll out of bed at 7 and walk to my job by 7:15. Except for work, I left my Blazer parked. The metro stop was a few block down the road. Anytime I went into the district for work or play was mostly through

BEV is full battery, a distinction from plug in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) and others such as fuel cells. Many cities ran, or still run, electrically operated trollies with overhead lines. Philadelphia comes to mind. Whether on rubber wheels or tracks, their mobility is limited by access to the overhead lines. 

I did not read any of the the source material, so my thoughts are only based on this post. I’m trying to find the issue here. Someone wants to build a tunnel, they found PFAS contamination (Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances), and 3M worked out a deal where the excavated and contaminated material is brought to

Seriously? Beyond the Ferrari that Magnum P.I. drove, I haven’t given them much thought. But ‘your money isn’t green enough’ is a real thing for purchasing new?

But nobody is bestowing a ‘sex’ unto the inanimate parts, these are colloquially used terms to define functional relationships of parts and fixtures. E.g., the plug has a male and female end to complete the connection.

The foreshadowing theory, i.e. only one sex (of seat belt buckle) yet he found away (just like the dinosaurs on the island) is parroted in most all JP threads and podcasts. Sam Neill debunked it, so the article title was perfectly cromulent. Unless you relish victimhood, what’s the problem?

No idea. But the consistency of the responses tells me that the phrasing has been ‘focus grouped’ to the extreme and these are the responses that are deemed the most impactful. Probably provided by some gun’s rights think tank or the NRA themselves.

That’s not how I saw it being sold. It did not add or compress air like a spinning blade. What they said it did was to allow air to enter more evenly. So the fan blades were meant to get the air rotating and that rotation is what allowed it to enter the engine more efficiently. For example, they’d take a soda bottle

Maybe not retire on a cruise ship. But take job during my retirement? Sure, why not? Get a 6 mos. contract to work the Caribbean during the winter then spend summers at home sounds pretty awesome to me. I’ll need something to fill my hours and much better than being a Walmart greeter or the like.

I’ll add in the 24-hour lifestyle. Even though I am not a gambler, I love the idea of being able to go out and walk amongst others at any time of day. 3 am in some of these backwaters makes me feel like the only person on the planet with mortality staring you in the face. No thanks.

The chassis tweaks were meant to combat pitch and roll in corners and give the Escalade-V more body control on hard launches.”
Does more power and torque = performance vehicle meant to be driven like a sports car? These engineers seem to think so. Just how many times do they think drivers will use launch control or

Nah. Almost by definition, if they complain they are concerned. What would be the basis of an unconcerned person’s complaint? Sure maybe they can afford it and they do not perceive a financial burden. But in some manner, it does concern them.

Without a doubt.

I disagree. They are not stupid or indoctrinated. I also think that they do not “believe.” This is pure tribal group dynamics wrapped around a culture war. They don’t care; they know it’s all lies and fabrications. But if that means that they can keep their position in society while still being the disgusting people

In the opening to Freakonomics, they made the case that the decline in the 1990s crime rate had nothing to do with Clinton or Guliani or gun laws or what-have-you. But instead, legal abortion meant that poor women were not forced to bear children into poverty who then grew up to repeat the cycle of crime and poverty.

> but unless they did it on purpose (which is unlikely)

Unless you have magnifying glasses for eyes, that plan makes sense if you only watch on a cell phone or iPad or some such, for example gym work outs or watching while traveling. I’d venture a guess there’d be people slagging on Netflix if they decided to pull that plan. “Dirty, greedy upselling bastichs making me pay

I can’t speak to the Niro, but can say that the Kona (cousin to Niro) has a lot of road noise. And this wasn’t tire squealing. To the point of being a major reason for trading towards an ID.4. Between the wind and tire noise, on the interstate I’d find myself upping the radio and struggling to hear conversations.

The Niro is the direct cousin of the Hyundai Kona; same power train and chassis although that batteries used to be sourced differently. Relations to the hybrid Hyundai Ioniq are not informative. Based on YouTube reviews, the Niro is slightly detuned compared to the Kona’s acceleration curve. Although Niro is