
I agree. All these assertions that gas prices some how control the miles driven seem like bollocks. In my experience (n=1), people drive what/where/how they drive independent of fuel costs. Sure they piss and moan about the govt. and oil companies a lot more lacking almost any self-awareness of their own decisions,

My E-Golf, and Golf-R before that, have no idea what you’re talking about.

Yeah, we used to have “Canal Days” at Chesapeake City, which looked a lot like that. Basically a weekend long drunken frat party* on the water. Until people got killed. And being in that ‘water’, ugh. Let’s just say, “In the lands of sand and sun, you never use the head for number 1". Gross.
*And I used to love a good

Dumb question: Will banks actually finance the mark up? I’d think they would limit their interest to MSRP +dealer options. Beyond that, if they have to repo the car a year or two down the line after, they’d only get book value (at best) and chasing the shleb for the remainder would have odds for a bad outcome.

Answer: YouTube premium subscription. Literally the best $15/mos (family membership) I spend on streaming that pays for itself in instructional videos along with other perks. Sounds like a few commercials is a fair trade off if you can’t afford the membership.

He had a lot of help.  Besides, it probably isn’t “all” the people.

Those are some sharp designs and paint schemes. My buddy in high school had an Opel GT (lemon yellow) and my parents had an Opel Manata (lime green), until my brother rolled it over. Not sure they ever forgave him for that, they really loved that car. Wouldn’t mind seeing them bring some EVs stateside.

5. “You won’t be able to access a third of the power rated for this car on our local streets, but it will be there when you need it! So it’ll be totally worth it to pay for all the gas, insurance, and upkeep for that one-chance-in-a-zillion chance when you decide that “gunning it” will save you and your yet to be born

Because <shudder> they’re fun?  I don’t know where this metric of ‘must be 100% bug and headache free” came from.  My son and I are having a good time messing around in the sand box.  Given how much other forms of entertainment cost, considering we’re not even leaving home to engage, this is a deal.  People just like

I know, right? Thank god no one in management ever lived a life-style so disproportionate, and financed by “the company”, to their average labor. Those greedy union bosses are a scourge.

 I haven’t looked, but Dawn up there is co-founder of Conte Nast who publishes Ars Technica, among others. Dunno if she is involved or even if Ars is reporting on this dust up.  But seeing the publishers of web sites on boards of gaming companies, or other technical companies, that are grist for their ‘mills’ does

In addition to complete restitution, sentence the lad to needing to complete a triathlon within 5 years scoring in the top 50% to qualify as a completion. Then set him out on a training program (perhaps with the riders he injured?) that includes road work and maybe help save him from the fulltime, shithead, life-style

Citation needed

I assume you are tracking it? As a Miata owner myself, I have never found a situation on public roads that require any sort of heel-toe action. Had we gone with the Grand Touring outfit I would have certainly considered the automatic.  “Slow-Car fast” just doesn’t need a manual to be an enjoyable ride.

If you’re going to get an RF Grand Touring, get the automatic and enjoy the open air ride. You’re not likely to be out carving corners. If you want to hit the track or autocross, get the Club sport with a manual. Each has their place.

I’m always stupefied in these situations. The cost of living structure does not match the amount of wealth these individuals possess. They could easily pay the taxes and it would not change their situation, their lifestyle, their daily routine one iota. It would be a margin note from their accountant that would be

Video unavailable. Only ferrous pans will work on induction. Not aluminum or copper, etc. If a magnet can attach, it will work. otherwise, nope. Don’t care what’s in the video.  Have used induction for the past seven years, completely care free, and haven’t seen any sort of warping.  And that includes blackening fish

Your pans warp? That’s on the quality of pans, not induction. Crappy heat distribution is on the make and model of your induction surface, not the technology itself. I still can’t imagine how any induction surface would heat any good pans in such a way as to cause warping.

I don’t think you’re talking induction. All my cast iron pans work great on my induction. Also, since there is no heat generated by induction, you just wipe off the surface there and then with no worry of heat or burnt surfaces. So not sure where the worry of cracking the surface or boil overs come from.  Severn years

I tell ya, AngryBob, we could probably share a few beers while discussing the “White-Collar Lie.” But if you’re being asked to travel on business and are sleeping in shitty locations and paying your own travel expenses, you’re doing it wrong. If you want to talk about regularly being asked to work 60 but only paid for