
Why is divorce so expensive?

OEM parts have to comply with emission and noise standards. If they are anything like HD ‘stage 1' pipes, they are quieter than just about any sport bike or muscle car exhaust. So they balance power and noise pretty well. A user can get more out of the equipment. But that requires the aftermarket. An users of all

I’m always amazed that it seems like any printer on the shelf is already obsolete with another model ready to take its place. Back in the day I bought an Epson LQ-510 24-pin dot matrix. I think I got the only one in the country as drivers and parts were about non-existent from then on out. Flash forward and that trend

Sounds about right. The point of these class action suits aren’t to make people millionaires or even give out free printer ink. It’s to make companies, in this case Canon AND other printer makers, think twice about being twats by hitting them where it hurts. The lawyers get most of the money because, on Canon’s side,

Way cool vid.  Thanks for posting.

Specifically, Nazi’s that designed devices that semi-randomly hurled bombs towards civilian population centers for the purpose of terrorizing and killing said civilians. Or more recently on the US side, worked with an organization that helped to gather the data necessary to hurl bombs capable of leveling entire cities

That is what irks me about such articles. The implied notion that a team will be irreparably harmed because someone left. Graveyards are filled with irreplaceable men and women and yet the world keeps going. To the opposite, it might actually do the world/projects some good is many of these advisors and administrators,

Well-to-do people moving into an area and driving up property values. Oh, the horror.


Granted I do not watch TV much and know little of these shows.... But, as a child of the 70-80-90s, I am aware of “The Karate Kid (I and II)“ I have to ask,Cobra Kai” is a comedy?  They play the “peaked in high school, washed up townie” story as a comedy? I may have to check it out.

Not sure that is the case. I have a Kona EV and have only heard of a very few cases (and most all were overseas (?)). None-the-less, there are far fewer Kona EV’s out there than Bolts. So you’d expect a bigger news splash. Also, Hyundai was sort of straight ahead with the battery replacements. The fumbled around a

Unless you’re a hermit living on nuts and berries, your attitude is that of a dead-beat living off the labor of others and their kids to give you all the necessities so that you can live your life of health and comfort with all your toys.  Being seeing more and more of you and your ilk these days ....

But it doesn’t.  Right above the title it clearly says “Climate Change”.  There’s one conclusion as to what the article is about.

-snip- redundant

The loudest silence you’ll ever hear.

Nah, Jamie-Lynn was already up and coming on her looks and talent (like her older sister) and were it not for her little ‘oopsie’, would probably have surpassed her like Serena did to Venus. Credit to Jamie-Lynn for focusing on the child and bowing out of the lime light that may have ground her up and tossed her aside

Golf R as well. VW calls is Sound Actor and can be disabled in settings.

The ghost of Andrew Carnegie (circa 1892) and the Pinkerton detective agency would like to have a word with you..... See Homestead Strike of 1892

Depends on where you live. Around here (east coast) and in the more desirable areas of the mid-west, housing prices are completely spiking as people move out of the expensive cities and into the suburbs and country where they can tele-commute. Public transit is minimal (if these folks want to use it at all) and the