
Actually, most non-self inflicted motorcycle accidents are caused by oncoming vehicles pulling a left turn out of nowhere right in front of them. Even for the most ardent “ride like you are invisible” rider they are almost non-avoidable. However, most overall accidents are due to rider error.

Apple pretty clearly markets the iPhone (and iPad) as entrance ways to the entire Apple ecosystem and Apple actively keeps others out (e.g., iMessenger for Android). Short of a radio to connect to third party cell towers, I don’t think there is anything “general computing” about them; everything happens through and

When you’re moving, there is very little sensation from heat from an air-cooled engine (all else being equal). Properly designed, the slip-stream whisks it away. However, in slow or stop and go traffic, it can be quite noticeable on warm/hot days. That said, the heat of the direct sun can be as much of a downer as heat

#3. I was talking to a pin-striping artist at a bike show. He and his wife were noting that they are seeing #3 real time. Shows are getting smaller, towns are getting tired of dealing with the headaches, and there just isn’t the new riders coming in. Their speculations was that there are just so many other things to

If you want a high revving engine, then HD is obviously not for you. However, as ThisGuy points out, that is not the sole characteristic of a “modern” bike. Most all the HDs have throttle by wire, ABS, etc etc, and manage to be noise and emissions compliant even in 2021. No small feat for an air cooled engine. And, if

To be fair, Victory’s design department was pretty out there. Their approach seemed to be something like “We’re the anti-Harley and our bike designs will make that clear”. As such, their designs weren’t the easiest to warm up to unless you wanted an American cruiser that was decidedly and visually not Harley Davidson.

I don’t follow baby trends, so I’ll take your word for it. However, knowing the gender can make preparations for the time after ‘the big day’ a lot easier and something to keep your mind busy until the big day. My wife and I didn’t tell the relatives, though.  We let them wait. 

I dunno. Is this really news? Putting malware payloads in sketchy cracks/cheats/aimbots/torrents is as old as the internet and BBS’s before then. Play stoopid games, win stoopid prizes.

Yet, you probably should (at least be concerned or not happy). This is where the bot-farms that hackers use to DDOS and run other exploits start. Just because it is on their computer doesn’t mean that it won’t potentially be used to affect others.

“It’s absurd that anyone with $150,000 can just place an order for this level of rolling vehicular manslaughter from the factory.”

Assume you are missing the /s tag? Anyway, my Kona Electric never comes out of Eco mode. Normal is OK and Sport is just too much for the stock tires and suspension. I’m digging the ID.4. But I’m waiting for the Ford Mach E before considering any upgrades (from my Golf E).

Using DC fast chargers, yes. If it is like other EVs, going to 80%is about half hour (And about that long to do the remaining 20%). However, that shouldn’t be done every day as it is hard on the battery.

Never change belts, never change oil or antifreeze, brakes last muuuuuccchh longer.  It’s not just about gas (and range) <g>.

Right there with you. One day I went looking to see what I could find and stumbled on a guy getting beheaded ...close up and personal. I’m older and now at the point even mild viral videos of filmed incidents turn me off. I’ve drummed the “You can’t un-ring a bell” into my kids as they have grown up and traversed the

“fraudulence of the social justice warriors ruling the mainstream sports media and blogosphere.”

? eh? The Kona Electric (and sister Kia Niro) are widely regarded as some of the best daily driver BEV’s going. At their price point and above. Shame they can’t produce them at the quantities needed to be something other than compliance vehicles here in the states.

Actually, based on the last election, significantly less than 50%. Somewhere around 30% of the total pop. voted for dergropenfuerer and millions more voted for HRC. I’d venture a guess that, now that people have see his true colors for themselves, that number is down to the true believers; less than 30%. That last 20%

A Viper versus a Tesla in the twisties? You’re kidding right? The Tesla would be out of your sight after your umpteenth spin-out when trying to get on the gas out of bend. Hey, I like the Viper as much as the next guy. But you don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.

There was a legal battle for the name “Sturgis Rally”, or some such, and the town lost when a judge said it was in the public domain and they couldn’t stop others from using it for their own purposes. I think the town of Sturgis then capitulated when they realized that the Buffalo Chip and other venues were going

Every time I go to my dentist, he tells me how global warming is all a hoax. Anyway, every bit of data he throws out could be discounted by any first year geology student. Or, someone with access to Google and a few minutes of time. They’ve all been resoundingly rebutted.  Take-away, a person’s educational background