
Cool story, bro.

As an old white guy, this story made my day. Have a great Labor Day, Demetria.

Got a source for that claim? Looking at WHO stats from 1920 to 2010, the highest total reported cases world wide (about 1949) was somewhere near 600,000. I could not find any data to support 3 MM death per year. Besides, people figured out ways to deal with smallpox early on (1700's), so most mass outbreaks, for many

That sounds about right. I get the same come-ons in about that time frame for any car I bought new. Long enough time for me to take a large chunk of the depreciation hit and short enough that they could sell it CPO and still make few thousand on the deal. In essence, I’d be paying for a hella expensive lease; if I

Up till now, I never realized how much she looks like an aged, female Bugs Bunny (who appends to e a squirrel). I wonder if that was intentional; what a hoary old animated slap-stick actor from the 40-50s would look like in more recent times but they couldn’t just use the original material? <shrug>

Death is peace. I understand solitary confinement in SuperMax is hell on earth.  I say go in that direction for his remaining time on this planet.

That they think the other side doesn’t have them is good. That they believe the otehr side won’t use them, so much the better.

In CA’s case, it’s not energy consumption that is the issue, but smog causing emissions. Regardless, energy can be more efficiently created and distributed at optimized production plants than by the individual ICE, many of dubious maintenance and upkeep. Add to that night time, off-peak charging and smart grids and

> i bet some automakers pull out of the market

Edited to state Amazing World of Gumball, if Kinja let’s it through....

I know the comments will turn into a list of people geeking out over their is it ‘Amazing World of Gumball’ did not make this list?

Counter point - It is at best just as good as an iPhone, does not integrate with my icloud account which seamlessly shares data between my iPad (all other tablet makes are the pits) and iMac I use for content editing, and is not beholden to a primarily data harvesting company where security is the second thought.  iOS

>superior to iOS in most ways, especially if you install a custom launcher >like Nova Launcher and fiddle a bit with the look and feel.

Really, the point of concern is not so much the players. It’s all of the support staff, coaches, secretaries and others who DO have age and pre-existing health condition strikes against them. After the players are done scrumming with teams from others states (nice way to mix and distribute germs) they get to go home,

I dunno....

Then, if dangerous, the outside group kicks the door hard enough to knock your grandmother back, rushes her before she gets her bearings, now THEY have HER gun. Maybe don’t casually bring a weapon along that could wildly escalate the situation? Here’s option #3 - Don’t answer the door. Just because someone knocks

Well in my own defense, not all old, white, males ........

^^ This. I’ve heard that canard from all sorts of radio show hosts, often sports radio where there is less obvious political bent. “Hey!, We’re just joking around and having fun here! Nothing personal, you don’t know what’s really in my heart.” No offense, but why should we spend our effort searching in your ‘heart’

#2, D-List celebrities...

Actually, he wasn’t. His first read through he suggested getting hammered and he did; and it was awful. He came back the next morning sober and did it in the first take. It was at that point that the actors felt like they actually had a movie on their hands. As for the dialog, it wasn’t a history lesson. The writer