If you can't see what's wrong with this picture, your entire brain may in fact need glasses.
No, the experience is immediate. Just the way my mind works. I'll admit that my conceptual faculties may have been altered by copious use of lsd-25 for the better part of two decades, but I won't use that to excuse myself from being statistically aberrant. : )
It would be interesting if an international amateur sporting competition were to use aniconism as its mandate. Imagine the curiosity that would be cultivated in global spectators by a large competition with a high level of skill that made a point of shunning, avoiding, or outright banning any form of marketing,…
Pshaw, you're too kind. I've always assumed that I'm not alone in using the aforementioned 'one/two-punch' of HappyJoy to smooth out those moments between blissful, gorgeous sleep
Hear, hear! Excellent way to handle the 'Situation', as it were. Doubly so when the experience of the event is less mediated IE when you know someone who's competing in the games, the authenticity of emotions seems to amplify.
Nothing much, really...so this French artist wrote a book a while ago delineating (in a bullet/manifesto format, haha) every basic issue he had with external reality in relationship to forms of communication, technological development, and the study of signs and symbols. Broadly, the book presents two primary…
Auto-eroticism & cooking from scratch, mostly ; ) You?
From the lens of Situtationist critical theory, I hate the Olympics. But that theoretical model simply doesn't account for raw empathy. You'd have to be a sociopath or have your head up your ass to not *feel* for & with these two, sigh. Their Year of the Horse has been made, and that makes me feel good, so good!
Well the man in question is popularly known as "Woody", so nominative determinism may come into play, here.
I'm certain that if I said the exact same thing to my MLA or MP (provincial/federal representatives, up here in Canuckistan) in a public situation I would be arrested. I would probably be abused by their security 'dogs' as well (IE tased, head smashed in ground, etc.). What are the laws like in the USA? Is this type…
"Supafly was just standing his ground, is all." — Vince McMahon's motley crew of lawyers.
There is a more important issue, regardless of whether this should be valued as employment or not. That is the reinforcement of body image distortions, *imposed on the women*, to be transmitted visually to the public. That's about two centuries behind our social development, and if the NFL were to get up to speed by…
There is a more important issue, regardless of whether this should be valued as employment or not. That is the reinforcement of body image distortions, *imposed on the women*, to be transmitted visually to the public. That's about two centuries behind our social development, and if the NFL were to get up to speed by…
Nietzsche pretty much nailed that a while ago. Funny, for a guy with sort of a 'crank' reputation, Fred was as prescient as he was funny. A good combination!
He looks like the vinyl Do's & Don't action figure that Vice put out as a warning to others:
Exhibit C:
Sheryl Sandberg. Yup, not a fan. Par for the executive course, here in the 21st century. 'Traitor to the cause', as a girl friend of mine once spat.
I nominate 'Fuckzone' over Girlfriendzone.
Rather, they may be attempting to provide empathic signals, on the off chance that their emotional and psychological development has been retarded to the point of sociopathy. EG *Sound of robotic thinking* "If I behave in a certain manner, the object of desire may conclude that I am 'nice', thereby increasing the…