
It’s seems like “Nazi”, “Hitler” and all those other cuddly terms of endearment are now the de facto gibberish of the rich white stupid “elite”. They are catch all phrases for people too ignorant to build an argument against something.

There is zero evidence out there proving vaccines cause longterm harm, everything is anecdotal. I’m a true scientist at heart though. The only thing we “know” is what the last study told us. I don’t mind these nut bags being nay sayers, I just wish they’d use science to back up their beliefs.

You still don’t get it.

You use the word “should” way too much. “Should” is a crutch for people who aren’t able to deal with the world as it is. It’s a catchall to blame everyone else for not being exactly like you. It’s a lazy childish word used by people throwing a tiny little temper tantrum.

If you think FB is purposely going after the LGBTQ community then leave FB and start a petition to boycott it. But it’s more likely the Trans community is inconveniently being caught up in the “real name” stance FB is trying to take to stop online bullying. You’re looking for trouble and a fight where one doesn’t

You are bringing way too much anger and resentment towards the community tonight.

Wow, that one went waaay over your head. “They” as in FB or “The Man”, not the LGBTQ community. But way to assume the worst about a person.

I’m all for LBGTQ rights and think FB is idiotic, but at the end of the day they’re not breaking any laws or trampling your constitutional rights, Zip.

So your response was to repeat what I said back to you? We got a live one here people!!!

There you go, that’s the attitude! See how easy that was?

You realize you put on a name tag that says “fat guy in his mom’s basement who’s never had sex” when you say stuff like that, right? As a guy who’s had a lot of good sex (with women, just to be clear), I’d never in my life think of saying something like that to a woman. Reply with your email address and I’ll give you

hehe, nickelback.

Then go away. At this point, why are still choosing to live?

Taylor Swift’s stance agains the streaming companies versus taking it up with the labels and/or Congress drives me crazy. But on this one point, she’s got it right.

“Allowing recordings to be monetized was the biggest mistake musicians/artists ever made because it has created a culture of music that is barely music and it has clouded the minds of artists like T.Swift. She doesn’t get it. She thinks she’s helping, but she’s only making an ailing industry worse off.”

The first link totally supports his claim. Most Artists aren’t making any money below the performance bullet point. So the bulk of the money they make is from performing.

Oh god, please let that meme die. Coming from an Apple user.

I haven’t had other problems that I don’t have with Firefox/Safari. Sometimes Safari simply refuses to load when my Chrome gets stuck, that’s why I’ve never switched over.

To fair to that guy, I’ve never noticed it being a resource hog any more or less than Firefox/Safari. I run a 3 year old MBP with 8GB’s of RAM. I’d usually only have to restart Chrome once a month. I keep it going non-stop and run a monitor off of it and never noticed any major issues. I even run Activity Monitor and’re saying those weren’t well trained musicians?