

Best. Show. Ever. We need to bring back phrasing.

This was your generalized reply:

Someone asked me for proof that people can die from being punched. Obviously that link wasn't in support since it's obvious. I was sharing the link to show it actually does happen and the FBI keeps stats on it, no other reason. You seem to hell bent on merging two different sentences into one, for a reason I'm not

Doesn't work with Google Apps? ugh.

Reading comprehension is something you need to work on. I never said video games or Hollywood make people more violent, only dumber. Your whole ramble is just that, a ramble.

Huh? Engrish please.

All the big name ones actually make your lips addicted to them to the point where your lips can stop producing natural oils because of over use.

All the big name ones actually make your lips addicted to them to the point where your lips can stop producing

I may have double posted this, it's not showing up for some reason. 5-6%, Sorry.

Those are some pretty solid stats you provided. Here are mine.

Sorry, the real number is around 5-6% consistently every year for "hands, fist and feet" deaths.

"The real world is not Call of Duty, and you can't just press "G" to throw them back, and you can't outrun them."

Just, I think pretty much everyone is cheering outside of the big telcos and the people they pay. THink of this ruling like the Post Office. Imagine if local municipalities outlawed the Post Office and would only allow Fedex and UPS in your district. This is simply going to allow a government option if you would

Fuck you, we winz all your computerz.

Or you just buy it on iTunes and put it on your Spotify playlist.

Did I insult your boyfriend?

We create enough solar in the mojave desert in one day to power the country. Add in wind and water (buoy turbines in the PNW and NE) for night time power, when we really don't need that much power and we could be energy independent in a decade. Vermont (or one of those small states, I can't find the article) is

Yeah, you guys are a fucking disaster right now. My cousins townhouse went from a 1.2 million value to 200K. Granted, you guys did it to yourself by falling for our (America's) property scam of convincing people that an aging building actually GROWS in value.

I agree with Cardcaptor_RLH85 about TB, even though we did bring it under control with screenings and proper care of those who have it.

I can't find the article I read. Normally I'd never quote Wikipedia, a big academic no-no, but this section is well documented and most of the notations come from decently reputable people.