So everything should be fine as long they can stop Lin-Manuel from rapping?
“Please Note We Are No Longer Accepting Letters of Recommendation from Henry Kissinger.”
Immigrants, they get the job done.
There is an item about prohibiting witchcraft, switching babies, naming the wrong man the father, infanticide, abortion, delivering babies in secret, delivering babies in the presence of men alone, feeding dead babies to dogs, not reporting other midwives for illegal behaviour, being dishonest, not ensuring that all…
...Also, I will not use any kind of sorcery or incantation in the time of the travail of any woman.
They work great in a fricassee, I was told.
It’s this like the 16th Century thing when Midwives have to sign an Oath saying that they will not use witchcraft and sorcery on the woman in labor and that they will not use biological materials for the purposes of black magic?
Barack just wanna sit under his own vine and fig tree, a moment alone in the shade, at home in this nation he’s made, one last time.
I believe she burned the e-mails when she found out her husband was cheating on her with Peggy Schuyler.
Envy Adams from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
Hannah sells her baby for Hamilton tickets.
Time to flood the Kentucky school system with Qurans.
Well, there was that Hulk Hogan thing...
What about Mewling Quim?
Hey, at least we now know that someone at the DHS watched Sophie’s Choice. It’s nice to know that are not all uncultured philistines down there.
For some reason, I did not expect Emma Stone to be the first person from the cast of Zombieland to win an Oscar.