
I still think Pacific Rim has longer legs than people think and part of that is characters like those scientists. The movie is smarter than you may think at first blush and I have a feeling people will come back to it more often because of that.

Can we talk a out spin a second, Jez.

I vote for this becoming a weekly feature. ::grin:: Please start at the beginning so I can hear you smack them about not letting Quinn find Wade hot. ;-)

Rob's not ageist. He's just hyperbolic. And, for the record, you can't claim your five pounds. Rob's not under 30 ;-)

Bricken, I am so happy to read you here. ;-) Your voice is so awesomely unique. ::grin::

Rob Bricken, I wish I could explain how awesome it is to see people responding to this with anger about you "mocking" fan fic. Because, y'know, serious writing is srs bsns.

As Phrosty said, Zhora was in the Kick Murder squad. Pris was a "Basic Pleasure model"