W. B. Geats

He was the gay guy who got in trouble for being Renly.

My brother once got hospitalized at .33 and when he woke up I told him that he'd made it 1/3rd the way to being 100% alcohol.

For whatever reason this reminded me of the Onion article: Man Dies After Secret 4-Year Battle With Gorilla

Funny, but not ha-ha funny.

*Putin hits Vince with chair*
*Vince simulates injury, shock*
*Putin beats him to death*

"As head of Small Business Administration—which President Obama elevated to a cabinet-level department a few years ago"

"Dissenter" is the opposite of a strong word.

I'm convinced that every single appointment is part of their elaborate humiliate-Christie-and-Romney game plan.

Is that Macklemore?

"What they’re offering people is a full stomach and an empty soul."


But enough about The Last of Us 2

"Basically, KFC won’t stop until everything you own looks like, smells like, or tastes like its chicken."

So you look down and see a tortoise.

Peak Winona as strange alternative to standard hot girl piece: Alana Massey's well titled "Being Winona In A World Made For Gwyneths"

God, Matt Taibbi is the master of the hatchet job. His review of Tom Friedman's new book is a masterpiece:

"Shit, they fact checked us."
"We're going to need 5 laughing crying emojis."

Conservatives identifying with the Galactic Empire is one of my absolute favorite political/pop culture sub plots.


Shit I rolled an alcoholic, gambling addict who's in arrears on child support.