W. B. Geats

Critical hit me

*presses #1 to subscribe to Goat Facts*

More like I am an American fat ass, am I right?

Unisex shirts?

They solved the wage gap by also not paying men.

I never got the whole "chapter of history" bit. Chattel slavery in North America lasted for ~240-250 years. That's more like an act or a volume if we're trying to keep this tortured metaphor alive.

America’s future looks especially grim in this The Few exclusive preview

Having personally done some sound engineering work and clocked studio hours as a musician, the random, liberal use of adjectives like "warm," "punchy," "groovy" etc proves that even musicians have no fucking clue what they're talking about.

And the Betas get cucked yet again.


*somehow Cheney gets Dik's heart, becomes Dik Cheney*

Now that 2016 has crushed us under its boot heel it can squeeze little, humiliating concessions out of us, like voting for Chris Pine in HoHW as best movie performance of the year.

But I was "starring in a murder movie for Investigation Discovery" sounds like a really terrible criminal defense strategy.

"We wanted her spontaneous reaction to that improper use [of the butter] non-consensually having her anus lubed with dairy product" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Dik was inside us all along.

I actually spoke w/ a self described objectivist who insisted FDA meat regulation was wrong and we should instead criminally charge sellers of bad meat with negligent homicide.

Whew this comment was a roller coaster

There's levels to this username/comment synergy

ayy lmao

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