W. B. Geats

I think it's especially puzzling when your argument is: "I love men." …What?

Of course not, but she should think of her Descendants.

“Narcos is about a lot more than violence, money and power.”

Pokémon Silver o Plomo

You'd think given his habit for reaching back for his hat at the last second, they'd have made the hydraulic door comically slow.

Key and Peele already made the definitive version of young Obama's life.

The Teller of Panama starring Pierce Brosnan.

Also I imagine it's frowned upon to call black people in Toronto "African-Americans."

Or, say, the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport men's room.

"This isn't a discussion. This is the rule of law.”

Pokemon GOTV

Turturro has been top notch throughout (I've always liked him), but he shined in the fee negotiation scene.

"Motherfucker, what did I just tell you?"

An early takeaway from the live stream was that Republican delegates clap on the 1 and the 3.

Circle, circle. Dot, dot. Now you got your cootie shot.

Cruz is good at carving a niche for himself. I think if Trump wins, Cruz will retain his movement conservative, anti-leadership position and say "I told you so" when Trump doesn't deliver on the red meat he's been throwing to the base. If Trump loses, he'll be able to say "I told you so" anyway.

Mike saw Olenna Tyrell, the matriarch of the Tyrell family, as Hillary Clinton. “You can tell that the woman is very intelligent, if not slightly immoral, and her husband is just dumb as shit."

He should just get lit and do Lafayette's verses from "Guns and Ships."

Likewise. We can stagger wellness checks.

Management goes in, management goes out. You can't explain that.