W. B. Geats

*Anthony Hopkins stops the car*

"Let's make the Barbie car a place of silent reflection."

Sarah Paulson and Sterling Brown, in particular, deserve all the praise that got heaped on them. OJ: Made in America reinforced just how much Brown embodied Darden, down to little details like his pronunciation of "defen-dant."

Goodwin used to work for LBJ, so I'm sure nothing would surprise her.

Next email to management: "(Absolutely true admission: The previous sentence was paused mid-word because a wild Newswire wandered into my browser.)"

The sheriff election in Deadwood was a memorable chapter in George Hearst being a dick.

Inclined to agree with RPGs, but not necessarily with other genres. I like my survival game inventory/stamina mechanics unforgiving.

There is precedent for people who believe they are the moral compass of this country buying masks and doing stuff in them.

"It’s fair to say that Snyder is unpopula"

Technically it is all cosplay, it's just that everyone's wearing a suit with a red or blue tie.

Fortunately Clint Eastwood is something of an expert when it comes to empty podiums.

4 Stars of David out of 5!

I was having a drink on my back porch at about midnight over the weekend and a car squealed into the alleyway, a young woman jumped out and started chasing virtual Pokemon in an alley filled with literal rats. So I'd say yes.

First they came for the Rattata

There's a vehicle in my neighborhood with a Rick Moranis portrait on the side and big block letters reading: RICK MORVANIS.

"rather than turn The A.V. Club into The Pokémon Go Club Featuring Game Of Thrones"

Federalist Party in back.

BURR INNOCENT !!!!!!!!!!

You've got to read the Reynolds Pamphlet for the good shit.

*parachute opens revealing Venus sign instead of Union Jack*