W. B. Geats

You've Got Mail


Does everyone else get the weird Disqus error with the terrified looking cartoon circle figure looking out from the abyss with little yellow eyes staring from behind him in the void?

Well, the newspapers and evidently his entire party.

I liked The Independent's headline:

The best part about that statue is that it looks like Lenin's walking away from an explosion without looking back.

Dude: "'…and everywhere the dying groaned and gibbered and horses lay screaming.'"
Girl: "… Can I go now?"

My boss called with an emergency project about 6 hours into my July 4th day drinking. My efforts to sound sober with M-80s detonating in the background were heroic.

Old man yells at… lack of clouds?


I think I saw that Harmony Korine movie.

Hey Ben Franklin managed.

4th to-do list
1) BBQ and beer with friends/family
2) seize the means of production.

These are the times that try men's souls.

I have a friend who thinks Hillary is too far to his right, but he supports Mark Kirk for Senate, and who knows what the fuck to do with that.

Great explanation. Thanks. Was the state unable to prove whether or not the cover sheet was ever produced? One would hope there's some kind of long term record keeping involved in discovery?

"Syed’s defense team claimed that this warning was never made known at the time of the trial, which was one of the earliest trials to admit cell-phone tower evidence into the courtroom."

Apparently it's frowned upon to call air traffic control from a commercial airliner to chat.

In the future there will only be two career paths for the non-rich, Uber driver and Internet repairman.

That doesn't seem like a fair characterization of Candy Crush Saga.