W. B. Geats

Twitter on the other hand is 95% journalists posting GIFs and making Brexit jokes.

"Look at my African American friend!"
*turns around, turns back with blackface on*

The problem, as I understand it, wasn't the 10 cent bit, but the 6 beers PER TRIP bit.

"Gus arguing that the soundtrack and Cersei’s costume are the two elements that feel most distinctive."

"Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife… well, grounded, really."

The dumbest American riot I'm aware of next to the Cleveland Indians' predictably disastrous Ten Cent Beer Night.

The real story here is that The Roots iron while on tour.

She'll always be number one to me.

Mary Beard's SPQR has been in my queue since it came out, and it's a thrill to finally get around to it this week. She's really great at straddling the line of rigorous/accessible history.

The music is so spectacular in OtGW. I particularly love Blind Boy Paxton on "Highwayman's Song."

It was a long time ago. You probably haven't heard of it.

Barrymo' Money, Barrymo' Problems

Villeneuve's involvement is the only thing keeping me engaged. Plus if it sucks outright they'll have what, 4-5 more shots in the following decades to put together a cut that's good.

Huckabee should start a Seger cover band called "Christian Right Moves"

Never underestimate Canadians when shit hits the fan. Back during the 2014 Parliament Hill shootings, the MPs barricaded the doors and broke Canadian flagpoles to use as spears.

Guess who else is 52? Nigel Farage.

Sometimes a Johnny Mnemonic device helps.

Fuck, I regret selling my full collection after reading when I was hard up for cash.

On the other hand, it would be awesome to see someone like Takashi Miike (13 Assassins, Ichi the Killer, a million other things) tackle Lone Wolf and Cub.

I suspect the victim impact statement had a much larger influence on coverage than anything related to Turner himself.