W. B. Geats

"Ilvermorny’s sorting system is different than the one at Hogwarts. No one’s fate lies in a hat."

"She escaped to America on the Mayflower"

Wingardium LeviosAAAAAAAAAAAAA

AVC: It is amusing that the person left in elected office is Jonah.

*tucks dollar bill in caterer's belt*

That role was a total revelation for me. Up to that point I just assumed he was the guy you hired to sulk masculinely and rub the back of his head on camera.

That's kind of you! She's feeling better but never gives up an opportunity to ham it up.

"The St. Kitts Music Festival disaster was meant to happen. It was an act of God."

Not much better. My cat received enema from the vet, prompting an accurate impression of Fletch at the doctor ("MOOOOOOOOOON RIVEEEER"). Spent most of the weekend tending to her.

Refn doesn’t yell "Action!" to start a scene, instead preferring "Violence, motherfuckers!"

This isn’t exactly new: On "Drive" he would proclaim, "Let’s fuck."

The BFC+


"I love the smell of wildfire in the morning."

With that Frey pie scene, GoT is finally almost as brutal as Titus Andronicus.

I picture her with a hockey helmet missing a tooth.

Of course Cersei waterboards with wine.

Sansa went full ice queen with her "it's a pretty picture" line.

Worrell's keys at the beginning of Life During Wartime, before Weir's guitar and Byrne's pendulum hips kick in, is flat out one of the coolest moments in a movie that's basically unadulterated cool moments.

I don't have enough information or expertise in currency trending to agree or disagree with your first sentence, and I suspect few could prove it either way.

Mean reversion in markets is more complicated than that, particularly when it relates to currencies. Averages change over time.