
10/4/2015: Semen damage reported. Minor upholstery damage.

Front license plate delete. Made for weekly pullovers and awkward cop moments. My car also had the second dumbest modification, straight pipes. So I had to choose between staying behind the cop car and risk him noticing my lack of plate or overtake him and risk getting immediately pulled over for piercing his eardrum.

Not that I have any faith in Trump (although he might have a lot in common with Little Kim), but NK has been an issue long before he came on board. The previous administration did exactly nothing to improve relations with NK so anything positive at this point would be an improvement.

Don’t worry, President Trump is an artist of the deal, this will end with Kim wearing a blond wig and with the Ryugyong becoming a Trump hotel.

How many women do you see routinely beating men in sports?

Generally men, especially when it comes to skeletal muscular strength. A woman’s organs are typically a much larger portion of her bodyweight (something that is probably a factor in their longevity advantage), even if she’s got a similar frame size and bodyweight as the man she’s being compared to. Also “vitamin T”

Edd China quits so Discovery Communications can provide us more of this stuff... Just wait, soon we’ll have a show that’s dedicated to Mustang drivers crashing into crowds. Oh wait that’s Fast N’ Loud - Demolition Theater. SMH

Those BMW motorsports accents are the tackiest thing I wouldn’t be able to keep myself from getting on my own vehicle.

Dave: Uber, take me to my ex-wife’s house.

Basically Velocity wants to remove the entire reason for watching Wheeler Dealers. Sorry to Mike, but aside from the trouble spots he seemed to look for, watching the shopping/haggling/sales process was boring and inconsequential. You knew the car would have problems, you knew he would deal down, and you knew they

This has been, bar none, the best car show on broadcast TV. From the sounds of it, there is going to be such a format change that it may lose all of its original honest appeal. The other “car” shows on TV are just scripted reality show non-sense. And that’s not just compared to Wheeler Dealers.


Drift nerd calling drag nerds! Why does the rear bounce like that? To me, the shock rebound dampening looks too soft. Is that needed to control wheel spin/stop things from breaking?

Transmission replaced after every run?

The AWD is selectable. It does RWD burnouts and that’s all. It uses all 4 to do the run.

... because it makes sense? Its a six second car. If it ran a 7.01 it is a seven second car. I’m guessing you came from Jezebel.

It’s been sullied by poors.

Pot? Meet kettle...

I love Mark Hamill. He just comes across as such a genuinely good dude.