
Never go full nigger.

best budget car ever!

I would buy it just so I can give to to some poor african kids and have them read it. Preferably with chocolate covered fingers. Afterwards they make a cutout superman or make paper airplanes out of it.

It was all going well until I saw the x5, <puke>

Its their fault for acting gangsta. You want to dress and look like a criminal, dont be upset when you are labeled as one.

Without national socialist Germany we would not have these:

Curb weight: 1,435 kg (3,164 lb)

Maybe he just wanted an Indian car. Some people are patriotic like that.

Stupid, useless.

Well, Henry Ford did support the nazi regime, I dont see the brand changing its name any time soon.

Or in english, 2 tones

Hellaflush is a practice of cosmetic modifications that comes to the detriment of handling and road holding capabilities

Mass is your friend, if the car that hits you is traveling at a similar speed, but is much heavier than yours, it will deaccelerate you brutally, send you flying backwards and destroy your organs. Does not matter how rigid the shell is, you will be omelet.