I mean its not surprising. HRC is basically a rich white dude.
I mean its not surprising. HRC is basically a rich white dude.
It was fun action. My gf loved it too. Plus JDM did a full on good guy Negan.
Ater they turned 18. She is a lot more sexualized in her image compare to them at 15.
Playoof LeBron also didn’t take a shot last game first quarter and was 7-17. Calm down. He will be right back to disappearing when the going gets tough.
It was white women and white people in general. No one else has any blame.
Sounds just like Hillary. He learned well from the Clinton’s.
Not many jobs in small towns like that. They keep all the easy, decent paying jobs which also have benefits. Black people stay broke and the small pool of decent jobs is filled by whites. They eat. We don’t. Simple.
They need to do this for race too. Race is an even bigger factor than gender. Black and Latinx men and women earn significantly less than whites and Asians for the same work.
Knoxville, TN. We have a ton of black and Latino car salesmen here. Outside the city not many. I wouldn’t know about anywhere else in the south. I have only bought cars here.
Damn near more white people use it than black people do these days. Unless it’s teens and it seems a lot of teens from different races use it. He is just making shit up. He doesn’t probably even know a black person irl. I’m black and some use it, many don’t. It’s irrelevant either way. Racist like fake harrisonford…
Yea you don’t know what percentage uses it. I doubt you are hanging around a ton of black people. Just as many or more don’t say it as do.
I blame black people like you that didn’t speak up and check their “friends” when they said the n word. I have been the only black one and the people around me always had the respect to not say it. They din’t respect you as a black man and you didn’t demand respect. Too many black people do that.
Chanting is singing. Either way they shouldn’t have done it. The title was correct.
How many young black people are you around listening to? I doubt many. I hate when white people claim to know what black people do and think. Some use it, just as many don’t. You wouldn’t know that though.
Im black also. Actually know a few people involved in the industry. It still offensive. We make music for us. If others want to enjoy it, fine. Just don’t say the n word. Be prepared for consequences if you do say it around the wrong person though.
The title was factual though.
No evidence of him with underage girls to convict. The women are there by choice in a consensual poly relationship.
You sound like a real self hating “ black” not “blaq” person. Why are you focusing on race when so many white celebrities have done worse and are still being supported? And the weird spelling? Just wanted to bash black people huh? Sad.
I have seen a couple white boys rockin it.
Pretty sure that white men lead in both. But keep being a dumbass if you want.