
Most children are born to so called “single mothers” of all races. Actual people who study these things know that is a dumbass statistic also. It only counts married and unmarried mothers. Not mothers who have the father involved or not. Millions of unmarried fathers are even better dads than their married

Black men are seen as a threat. There are many places that will hire a black woman, but will not look at any black men. They will exploit the black woman and pay her less than men for sure, but they hire her. They will just not even give the black man a chance. Too scared he is better, will take over, and will steal

Yea colorism is hilarious. smdh

It’s offensive as someone with actual Native heritage when white people do this. She should have apologized a long time ago.

Way to try to painting them as racist. And Africa isn’t a “historically poor” part of the world. Africa was always a place with some of the wealthiest nations until colonization and imperialism stripped much of Africa’s resources.

He grew up black in Oakland with an American mom. You can’t get more connected than that.

I am black and from Tennessee. That is the original term. That is why I don’t like people using jerry-rigged either. Is people still using the term but substituting a word. I’m surprised so many seem to not know this.

You mean old ass church people that actually voted don’t want it. Young people need to get out and vote. Letting these old ass people who won’t be here in ten years make decisions that will hurt us for decades is something we need to stop. People need to get out and vote.

I heard people on sm talking about this in my city. Some people were actually sharing the video from what I gathered.

So are you really trying to blame oppressed black men for colorism? Colorism is strictly a product of white supremacy and oppression. Black men and women fall victim to it just the same.

This isn’t a surprise. She is basically a rich old white guy.

Or another Hilary as in Clinton.

That’s what should have been said about Hillary.

Knoxville, Kentucky? We aren’t in trashy ass Kentucky. It’s Knoxville, Tennessee.

Nice ignorant, racist comment. So non-whites don’t tip? People like you are the reason things like this exist.

If it wasn’t for bad calls LeBron wouldn’t have any championships. Why all the crying now?

I’m still salty about the bait and switch. We all thought Finn was going to be the Jedi, but no. Its the white girl who friend zoned him.

Beards, the Spanx for ugly dude’s faces

Stockton got a ton of “assists” this way too. Nothing new.

No body black has ever said that. We say he is corny, which he is. Two different things