sensual farmer

I don't know about all the bases, Dom, but he's definitely got shortstop covered.

Holy fucking avatar, Batman.

Hey, no worries. I've been in the booze industry for a long time now, and have really considered writing some how-to articles on here about home entertaining and doing great drinks economically. Looks like you're already hitting some of that material out of the park.

Well, to be fair, a soccer net is a slightly easier target than Hillary.

IMG, this is one of the best Sidespin posts I've seen in my short history around here. Champagne is such an underrated beverage. I use alot of rośes for dinners at my house, and love the applications of prosecco with other cocktail ingredients. You should do more of these- there's a lot of great information mixed in

Ways to Read Albert Burneko Posts:

I thought the Mets replayed the same shitty season every year anyway.

Y'know, the Netherlands could be respectful and classy like us and keep the brawls out of the courtroom and on Nancy Grace.

+1 for the champ

I'd say maybe, but oddly enough, I grew up in a family where NO ONE played any kind of instrument or sang. I've also never been brilliant with theory (the hardest part of college music classes for me), and yet I survived.

I'm sad I missed this earlier. +1

Gotta start somewhere. My Bloody Valentine saved me.

Now playing

I've been in love with NMH for ages, and I always loved that crazy sound towards the end of the song. I did some research on what it was, and voila! As Drew would say, I MUST HAVE IT.

I'll tell you now, if you ever contemplate learning an instrument, do your homework and buy a good-quality one. You'll be inclined and have incentive to keep trying.

Yeah, I'm stoked.

Just remember: always be funny.*

Look, I'm not suggesting you hit the nail on the head with that.

Spending copious amounts of money seems to be the common thread today.

It's one I've eyes for a couple years now, and was lucky to find one at about 40% of what I was willing to pay for it.

Now playing

I'm having a pretty damn good day for working 16 straight. I just bought the guitar I've been pining for (the one being played in the video), and have finished setting up my music room again for the first time since I've moved to my new home.