Really? Yikes!

“Kinki Kids” was the one that really got me. NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. NO. NO.

Oh god.

As glad as I am that this is getting so much coverage, because sunlight is the best disinfectant for these fucker, everything about this article might have sent me over the edge.

I doubt much counseling went on the room. More than likely the cop just wanted “details”.

At the rate this is going, by the end of next week we will have learned that the whole family are secretly coprophagic cannibals, and while they will have been dropped by TLC, they will have been picked up by a very obscure pay-per-view channel under the new title The Aristocrats.

This was my first thought when I saw “Strangers with Candy”. God, I hope he didn’t mean the show. I fucking LOVE SWC

Until you made this joke I didn’t realize that he meant actual strangers with candy and not, in fact, the TV show.

Some people have issues with gun violence...

perfect gif

I would love to know what this “counseling” entailed, and why anyone in their right mind would find it appropriate to have a lover of child porn give advice to a guy who had been caught molesting his younger sisters.

Pre School.

Silkwood shower FOREVER.

I could never stop washing myself if this crawled on me.

Remember when we didn’t think it could get worse than molesting your underage sisters?

Now playing

“under his interests, Hutchens listed ‘Strangers With Candy,’”

It’s the infinite onion of horror, each layer that is pealed away reveals new terrors.

“Pre School.”

Yeah, I was initially, ‘Oh, how “nice” for them - they found a police officer with their same, wacked-out morals to talk to their son about sexual repression and ways it can cause you some serous legal issues.’ But it turns out it’s like, ‘Who knows why the son did it, but let’s introduce him to a legit pedophile and

Hutchens’ Yahoo profile screen name was “dadsluv2002”; under his interests, Hutchens listed “Strangers With Candy,” “Kinki Kids,” “Child Play series,” “Puberty,” and “Pre School.”