
“Imagine there’s no countries. It isn’t hard to do.”

Neo-Nazis have killed multiple people. Your violent far-right kin represent the most significant domestic terrorism threat, and have for years. Pathetic worthless little creatures like you are absolutely desperate to create a false equivalence and pretend that the sickening neo-fascism of your side is balanced by

Business owners of any stripe are a unique bunch. They often see themselves as self-made. In some cases they are. Some of them are business owners because they cannot stand anyone else to be in charge of them. Maybe their ideas are genuinely the best. Maybe they don’t get along with anyone else, or they chafe at being

Why is it always the business owning white men in their 60's that are absolutely so unhinged?

This is some bullshit, because I love bowties. Tucker and this asshole are ruining some of the few meaningful sartorial choices that men have.

My dentist said the shape of my bicuspids indicate an untrustworthy character and a hereditary predilection towards indolence.

Great, idolizing internationally despised criminals & psychopaths. At this point, Conservatism should be considered a goddamn social disease or a fucking DSM worthy mental illness.

I’m going to claim them back in the name of my dapper-as-fuck great grandfather. The sexiest trespassing WASP in a 3 piece suit ever accused of lighting multiple wildfires in the hills above Los Angeles.

Many have been questioning whether he is mentally ill for quite sometime (well back into the Obama administration). Whatever he’s dealing with shouldn’t be maligned, as mental illness is a serious problem. However, his bizarre behavior has now entered into pretty serious territory in which he is surrounded by nothing

Meanwhile, over on Fox news they have a main op ed about how Trump may be the most honest President ever.

Folks, I think it was a nice try but the human species should probably crawl back into the oceans and retry our grand entrance into sentience.

As the proverb says, empty vessels make the most noise

People who brag they don’t read books (or “the mainstream media”) often have the most opinions. Ironically. They see not being informed as a weird badge of honor.

People who brag that they don’t read books are generally the worst low-grade morons and anything they say should be ignored.

Conservo-fascists are pure tribalists. They will overlook any infraction as long as you toe the fascist line. You don’t even have to be honest or hard working. Just never show empathy or tolerance and you can make a good living. you might even become obscenely wealthy.

They can’t say Jews and Blacks and Gays... So they just say the one thing they know they will get away with.

Yeah and the guys yelling at senators at restaurants are the real bad guys.

“Communists”? Really? Did I magically get transported back to the 1980's of my childhood, where people were actually scared of the Soviet Union and “Communist” was used as a derogatory epithet?

These people are fascist animals. They venerate the likes of Pinochet and Putin.

So, what will the tipping point be that plunges America into a second civil war? The country is already in a cold-war (no open warfare) civil war right now. I doubt it would take much to push the Right over the edge. Yes, it WILL be the Right that starts it. The midterms maybe, if the GOP loses control of the house? I

We can’t protect ourselves. We can’t protect our sisters from the men that hurt us. We can’t go to the police, we can’t use whisper networks.