
Honda made V5 engines for their racebikes.

I was going to say a probe droid but that’s not a vehicle. X-Wings, though, can be flown by R2 units.

Take a look at what you can get from Superformance et al. I’m partial to the GT 40 Mark I. It’s where my money would go. They can be built with A/C, radios with Android Auto and Apple Car Play and roll down windows instead of the slots like the original cars. Shifters can be in the center of the console like a normal

Yes to learn to fly. No to a Cessna. Get something similar to a Vans RV-8, Harmon Rocket, or Lancair Legacy. Something a bit more fun.

LC is a good choice. I’ve always thought the convertible should be a hard top rather than soft. It just looks better.

Personal feelings aside, there are a metric s#it ton of people who will pay for the badge regardless or durability or long term quality. What I, you, or someone else feels about that is irrelevant.

Some people value a bit more engagement over out right speed. The same way some like moonroofs regardless of the complaints from others of the increased weight at the very top of the car. Personal choice is funny like that.

Kind of like Eminent Domain abuses. Seize the land of a dodgy neighborhood, not to build a bridge, or school, or highway, and give it to private developers to build an office park.

“Exciting, but inexpensive with a warranty”and the choice is a Royal Enfield?

I like the way it looks. Yeah, the trellis frame is no more but it’s a good looking bike and one that I’d consider. Any word on when the V2 StreetFighter will be revealed?

You see Times Square packed with tourists because its Times Square.

For one thing feel. Haven’t driven a Supra, but I’ve got to think that it feels more of what I want a sports car to be. It’s smaller than the Stang, and I’d guess feels more like a rapier than a broadsword. 

You might not believe it but three of the four corner very well. Yeah, the Hellcat’s a big girl but she can dance. As for the GT-350 and the Corvette, it’s hard to believe someone on this site thinks they can’t corner.

I’d guess that many of the exhaust notes you’re hearing are the result of aftermarket pipes. OEM pipes are pretty quiet. Even on Harleys.

Or you could stay with something smaller. A duke 390 is a blast to rise. Light, flickable, inexpensive, and fun. Being able to give it the beans without reaching absurd speeds is fun. There are plenty of better, less expensive, more enjoyable motorcycles available (subjective, I know) than this Indian.

The Bronx would be more in my wheelhouse than the FTR. The FTR seems more like a R9T competitor to me. Hopefully the Bronx will come in at a desirable weight unlike the Indian.

You stated it felt resistant to turn in. Why would you want it if you had anything other than straight roads when there are plenty of better options?

I’m just wondering how Kristen, or for that matter anyone else, can answer that question for you?

Don’t you at least want to drive it yourself instead of taking someone else’s word as gospel?