You should rewrite this with a bunch of Whitney Houston nods, and show the receipts at the end
Just psaw caked up sword coast legends, despite mediocre reviews. Fingers crossed
This is Maddie Stones fault!
Yeah, he’s bring weed INTO LA.
I don’t know what you want out of SC... have Kotaku uK watched any gameplay videos?
That’s what you want me to think! Have fun casting spells tonight you!
I need photo proof of the face thing
Well yeah, I mean Tidal was such a success...
Yeah but Donald is known for sticking with contracts, so...
Turns out Donald flamed out
Kinky AF too!
I was saying boourns
Are you saying boo or boo-urns?
Well it’s not Phil Hartman
The leading asshole in the state
That music...
+1 confirm