Gas Station Fruit Pie

Honorable mention was needed for Frank Darabont.

God's Hot Head?

Golden Palace or GTFO

So 'Aquarius' is the fucking shit-gob they renew, and not 'Hannibal'? Wow.

neither are you, dick.

Yeah…I thought the iron mask over Will's face was a pretty heavy-handed S2 flashback.

Yeah…I thought the iron mask over Will's face was a pretty heavy-handed S2 flashback.

Two roads diverged in a yellow CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES.

Shades of "…and sometimes you wear L'air du Temps…but not today.'

i like that he essentially let the constrictions of network censorship allow him to be more creative.

Man, the typos are getting worse around here. :( It's not like this was an article that was rush-posted ten minutes after the end of the episode…

part of me wishes NBC had conceded to one more season to wrap things up, because Fuller would go totally DGAF and it would be GLORIOUS.

this renders me utterly unable to find an appropriate response, and that's a difficult task to pull off with me. this is not a compliment.

remember the Elmo book that says something that sounds a whole lot like 'WHO WANTS TO DIE?'

such a detailed and well-argued response.

positive? he was always a patronizing, smug, self-righteous prick.

nope, they just didn't care. whats you're fucking excuse?

Constance Zimmer, however, needs to come back to House Of Cards. Janine Skorsky, rawr.

People = Shit

maybe they can take a page from VICE and boot some DIY venues out of a rundown part of Brooklyn they want to colonize.