Gas Station Fruit Pie

The more you know…*star graphic*

golly i'm frightened of all the trouble our country is in, what with all these brown people wanting menial jobs that white people won't do. oh the humanity!

Tell him I'm in a meeting.

but they had two of the most insane running mates…

not this fruit pie

he'd just shoot all of them and pose smugly…

9/11 and Pearl Harbor have got NOTHING on two people who love each other committing to marry! One day, we'll tell our children of these dark and horrifying hours when nothing at all changed and no one was negatively affected…

oops, yeah, not how i meant it. poor wording/use of terminology. i guess 'femicide' (other than giles corey) would be more appropriate.

nope. all darkness and gloom over here, buddy.

its pretty gross. i grew up in western mass, so a little more removed from it, but still. gross. you dont see tourism capitalizing off of religious persecution very often…

slow clap

cheap shot at the end. smug.

oooooookay, i guess i'll have to buy it.

how could they have had a first group fail and then replace them without time travel?

i'm confused as to how the higher ups (pilcher, pope, pam, etc) can travel back and forth between timelines; theres been no mention of time travel here…

We all know that at least a few of the blackout victims were descended from slaveowners. What this documentary presupposes is…maybe they didn't?

do you just have a hat full of these somewhere?

I waded through the Cop Struggling To Be A Good Dad cliche, but had to check out at the Troubled Sibling Recovering From Addiction And Making Bad Decisions In Comparison To Their Straight-Arrow Brother/Sister cliche.

Hey, remember that part where I said I reaaaaally loved the first season? That kinda rules out the odd assumption that I have 'no taste' for dark drama, gore, vulgarity, etc. I love when people assume all sorts of things about your taste because you don't like a thing they like. It's super credible.

Cringeworthy. I was a massive fan of the first season, to put it mildly. I made it fifteen minutes into this first episode of Season 2. No thanks. Really sad to see what's happened. Cliches, wooden acting and flat direction. What a fall.