Gas Station Fruit Pie

EXACTLY. i don't look to shows like this for side-splitting hijinx.

I grow really weary of the 'oh my god, so GRIM!' arguement as some negative. We expect shows like this to be gritty and realistic, not laugh riots. You want less grim, go watch Modern Family or something. Seriously.

they did an anthony heald one of these recently.

well, his son (no, the other one) is a trainwreck.

because, no matter how we feel about him as an actor, ben affleck is one of the best directors working today.

he would make an incredible serial killer, and an accurate one, just by playing his usual self but adding in a lot of murdering.

I love Tom Hanks, but doesn't he ever think 'hey maybe I should broaden my range and play a villain for once in my long long career?'

Heavy lifting! Life-sized sculpture! Fence hopping! Boy, Will's doing awesome for someone recently stabbed in the stomach.

continuing the glass houses theme re: AVC's snark here, it's funny how they trash Tyler for bothering to respond to a kid's criticism…while they're reporting on said kerfuffle. You can't make this kind of unintentional irony up.

i almost thought i was reading an article about billy corgan, with this level of elitist snark…

'Our House' is great art that came from pleasant domesticity.

Nice going, AVC. Low blows at someone's typing, and coming down blatantly on the side of the 'fan' (because artists are apparently never allowed to respond to criticism like other folks)…nice.

if only we could all laugh and fly away from chris pratt…


the best radiohead b-side in my opinion is 'how i made my millions', which is totally cassette-recorded while yorke's wife washes dishes in the background. such a gorgeous song.

bands are always going to record songs that they later decide won't make it onto an album, though.

come on Bob, stop clowning around


Rob Zombie movies are full of great ideas that could see him be an incredible filmmaker, but he's never tied them together properly. I have hopes he'll learn.

love the scene in Devil's Rejects where the Marx Bros. expert is talking about how Elvis stole the spotlight from Groucho for dying on the same day, and the Sheriff FREAKS THE FUCK OUT about it.