Gas Station Fruit Pie

he's likely cheerful and happy because he can cathartically let out his demons through creative expression. i'd say its healthy. and we all benefit!

I let out a loud, half-choked-up, 'oh, nooooo!' when I realized Abigail was dead. God, what a sad end for that character.

i thought they might go there, too. i was like 'wow…a bit young for you, will…'

that part strains suspension of disbelief for me. i get what they're doing in not showing us what's happened to the others, but it seems absurd that Will wouldn't flash back to them, mention them, or wonder what happened to them.

I personally love that this show is unabashedly, middle-finger-in-the-air, DGAF, over the top indulgent/arty/pretentious/surreal. It makes it unlike anything else on television. i still can't believe NBC lets them get away with it. but this show's following proves you can't always underestimate or stereotype the

The sentence starting: "While the show’s overall artiness…" is a fragment. C'mon AVC.

Hell of an episode. That shot of the ruins of the Boise skyline rising over the cold wastes was haunting and epic in equal measure. Well done, show!

Insouciant, even?

SIlence Of The Lames.

You gotta wonder how Christopher Walken didn't end up in this movie.

no dude, it's totally Lateralus

i enjoy their other albums. still enjoy 'dear you' the most.

studio polish doesn't equal bad songs. those songs are incredible. it's a lot of scene/sellout politics that to me don't affect the music.

'Dear You' is Jawbreaker's best album. Come at me.


i moved from massachusetts to north carolina in '95. i was eleven. strange year, obviously. i remember grant hill mania, trapper keepers and massive brightly-colored NBA team windbreakers, JNCOs, Mobb Deep and Bush, Braveheart and Apollo 13, and the massive heatwave in Chicago. probably other things.

because of the unspeakable thing that happened in the rec room that blustery fall evening when you were six. don't worry, we'll uncover those memories in our next session.

Hey, if everything is shoegaze, then nothing is shoegaze (as opposed to Nothing), dig?

hey, if shoegaze is everything, then shoegaze is nothing (rather than Nothing).

Nothing, not one thing, about Pablo Honey was 'shoegaze'.