Gary Salisbury

Not part of the thread conversation but I am amazed at the number of people who hide who they really are by posting a fake picture and an anonymous handle. What's the matter? Aren't you man (or woman) enough to stand up for your own comments? Are you cowards or afraid you might be deported?

Interesting but have any of you looked at the picture? It appears the cut just carved is rare to medium rare. Humm….. Could this be more petty excuses for sore losers to complain about?

Thank you for your civility, something I haven't seen much of on the left.

First - What evidence do you have that your claims of him being ignorant or a fascist are true? I suspect none. I haven't seen any, in fact just the opposite. He is a very intelligent man. How do you think he aspired to the position he currently has?

Thank you for the opportunity for some intelligent discussion.

I would have thought we could get some intelligent conversation going here but I think I was expecting too much.

Since when is what a man eats any of your business? If that is what he likes then so be it. What kind of looser would find fault in that? The real problem here is the author is a sore Hillary supporter and looks for any way he can criticize our President. Yes, (let me say it again) OUR PRESIDENT!!!