Just thought I'd leave these here... (Keep in mind some of these agents are only British by association.)
Just thought I'd leave these here... (Keep in mind some of these agents are only British by association.)
Regarding Spider-Man in the MCU, I think it would be better with just a (few) flashback(s) of him having an active superhero career in the 1960s. That would be good enough for me, at least.
How about if, in the MCU, Spider-Man had an active superhero career in the 1960s (along with the Fantastic Four)? Could make a cool flashback. Satisfying enough for me.
Lens flares are our space ships.
What should happen is that the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man were active in the MCU in the 1960s. They would get a few flashbacks to keep everyone satisfied.
So it was too much of a giant robot-giant monster movie for you?
I heard this movie is based on the Wardstone Chronicles by Thomas Delany. Are those books worth reading?
On the subject of Camelot the musical, I watched the 1980s HBO broadcast with Richard Harris, and haven't found a better version.
I met John Barrowman at Alverno College in Milwaukee, where his sister teaches. I had him autograph my Doctor Who Encyclopedia and took a picture with him, in which my pose was awkward (because I was reasonably shaken up) but his was perfect as usual.
Is that GIF from Eurovision?
Vincze, you make every day much more interesting. Please don't ever change.
Not as bad as what Vermont Teddy Bear just came up with...
Please tell me what that GIF is from.
Maybe, which show that GIF is from? Please answer. I'm genuinely curious.
Not. Okay. Stop. Now. Please. Stop.
Wisconsin: America's Beerland.
This guy should play Kai'kcul in the Sandman movie.
This show was the fictional portrayal of exorcism to end them all. It actually did it's research on Catholicism and exorcism. It had puzzling questions about religion in general. And there were no visual effects whatsoever.
The D'Aulaireses are awesome! My mom has a copy of their Norse Mythology that she was read to by her mom, and that she read to us.