Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

There’s so many things I could list here.

I loved this thing as a kid, had a Hot Wheels version and everything.

I, a person with almost zero interest in WH40K, have come across a ton of fan art of female characters, including Custodes. Some of it isn’t even pornographic! Clearly there’s some interest there.

Where is that header pic from?  Is Schneider actively trying to become a new “hipster douchebag” meme?

I leave the TV on all day as background noise.  Being able to put on a Star Wars channel that alternates between the movies and episodes of the shows would be great.

Does this mean they’ll rehost Pornhub’s library?

Everything I read about the first season sounded like it was made by someone who hates Scooby cartoons and is actively mocking those who are fans.  I mean, it’s a Scooby cartoon with no Scooby!  WTF?

I saw it for the first time like 2 years ago and wasn’t impressed.  But I’ve seen so many crappy “found footage” horror movies that I’m completely jaded against the genre.

I can understand why they went with the Interceptor remake, but I was really hoping for a UCS Naboo Starfighter.

An anti-efficiency washing machine law called the “Liberty in Laundry Act” sounds like something dreamed up by the Pawnee town council.

Reese Witherspoon is a Romulan?!?

1. That was my first thought, but at the end it says he has a great record with trickier cases. Unless he’s somehow faking entire medical histories, that theory seems really unlikely.

There’s a LOT of stupidity on the owner’s part in order to even arrive at this situation. I also don’t care how much I love my car, if the choice is either dying of heatstroke or *possibly* damaging the car, I’m gonna choose my life every time.

“Financial sextortion” happens when online scammers ask people for nude photos and then threaten to release those photos unless they’re paid a sum of money.

What did this idiot tow truck driver think was gonna happen? That he could just back up to a car in traffic and they’d just sit there and let them hook the car up?

My Saab 900 was a 5 speed, and the reverse lockout was a collar you pull up. Very straightforward and not something you can just accidentally do. My NB Miata is a 6 speed and has the push down lockout, and I hate it. There’s not a lot of movement and it’s easy to push down, so I’m always worried that I’ll accidentally

Fucking sickos. I don’t even understand how a bunch of primates evolve higher thinking, and then use their newfound intelligence to dream up invisible all-powerful beings in whose name they must gruesomely murder people in order to make the sun rise or crops grow or whatever.

Jesus, just let it die already.

The hilarious thing is that the deplorables think Carano is too woke to support.  Big strong woman playing a role that’s not meek tradwife?  They complained that she ruined Ben Shapiro’s movie.