Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

The people yammering about eclipses and the universe being a simulation have played too many Assassin’s Creed games.

I hate it because thanks to Disney I can’t watch it anymore.

“Woke” is just a word these chuds scream whenever they don’t like or understand something.  They have no idea what it actually means or where it came from.

“Flatten and desaturate” is the motto of modern graphic designers, and I hate it.

It’s the Snyder Cut of car logos.

These shitheads are finally realising how deeply unpopular their platform is with the majority of Americans. But instead of turning away from the blatant Christo-fascism, their solution is to just have the police create a bubble around them so that they don’t have to see or hear any opposition.

I was in the black on Splinter, Kotaku, AV Club, and The Takeout. Now all I have left is Jalopnik.

“Do the doors line up” is not a small first-year engineering flaw.

What the herb has done here goes beyond the usual vulture capitalist fuckery. He’s slowly and deliberately wrecked this whole network because he’s a vindictive rightwing asshole that couldn’t stand that these sites were proudly leftist. Nothing else makes sense. A network of sites with a robust commentariat like this

The herb is trying to get rid of news altogether. The EIC resigned because Jim Spamfucker wanted Kotaku to quit doing news articles (the stuff metrics show was actually driving traffic to the site) and start pumping out 50 game guides a week. So we can look forward to Kotaku running more posts about Final Fantasy

These sites are dropping like flies now.

They just killed the AV Club too.

I miss being able to talk about stuff like this on Kotaku.

Tilley is fine, but they had that cadet episode that was clearly a preview/trial run for this series, and it was just. . . boring. I can’t imagine a whole season of that.

I’d be surprised if they weren’t already. Lego went “woke” years ago. They’ve had minifigs with different skin tones for I think 20 years now, and the last few years they’ve really expanded their representation. There’s minifigs in wheelchairs, on crutches, with artificial limbs (and I don’t mean pirates on peg legs),

Gizmodo has yet to find evidence that anyone who’s appearing in these videos knows they’re participating in a scam.

The shitheads at Faux News were losing their minds over this, screaming about wokeness run amok or whatever. They were outraged that Commie Cali was respecting the privacy of nonviolent offenders, or something. They were also mad at Lego.  I couldn’t really follow. These people all sound like they’re perpetually in

Why do I need an all-Black cast?

Isn’t it funny how when a movie cast skews towards women or POC, it’s “political” or “pushing a message,” but if it’s all white dudes, there’s never a problem?

I can’t fathom the stupidity it takes to look at a broken down cargo ship slowly hitting a bridge at 2 AM and thinking “this is the Archduke Ferdinand moment that will start WWIII.”  That’s so absurd that it’d be a waste of time to even try explaining all the ways that doesn’t make a goddamn lick of sense.