Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Shatner’s got some nerve calling out people’s appearances as “stunts.”  His last outing as Kirk saw him travel through time so Picard could see him get crushed to death by a small footbridge that was spanning 2 boulders.

The rain sensing wipers in my mom’s Mercedes run at max speed in a light drizzle and shut off completely in heavy rain.

and arguing that “she is not a United States citizen.”

I’ve never understood why you’d want half a dozen nearly identical cars. If you can afford to own a bunch of different sports cars, wouldn’t you want some variety?

“left and right are ideological arguments about how to run a state” and nothing more. He says what we should be doing is trying one, voting it out if it doesn’t work, and then trying the other one. “But we’ve made it into ‘good and bad,’” he said, which made politics a “moral issue,” and he said that’s “fucking

A stick.  Anything else is useless fluff.

Side note: How do you play Minecraft on PC for 2.5 years without learning to backup your saves in a different folder?

Is that a gas powered winch on the Yugo’s trailer?

Meanwhile, in Utah:

It’s rare to see someone with her physique get a role in Hollywood, and rarer still for that role to be something other than the “ugly friend” in a comedy. It was cool seeing a female meathead do the stoic badass with a tragic past thing, because that almost always goes to an Ahnold-type dude. Her character got into a

It’s a good thing that politicians are still too stupid to know what a VPN is.

“I’m not a far right loon!” screams the woman who now makes movies with Ben fucking Shapiro.

They could add Frakes to SNW the same way they added him to Enterprise.  Or just do another time travel episode.

These are literally farm animals.

Because the “concern” is xenophobic fearmongering based almost entirely on hypotheticals. Nobody has actually provided proof of any major privacy breach, they just scream “CCP!!!” and expect that’s enough. There’s plenty of other apps and sites with major problems, so singling out TikTok is just asinine. Hell, I’m

“How many mountains does America have so all the physical land features are complete in America then we are cheated by God,”

Kotaku needs its own COTD.

So when does a watery tart show up to throw a sword at someone?

That’s my all-time favourite truck right there.