
If you want to anger Mike Pence, form a union.

which is a different thing that is not racism

Sarah Jeong is one of the best writers on the internet, and every person complaining about her tweets should have a court appointed guardian because they are too stupid to oversee their own affairs.

I am not surprised at the 3 series and Prius but my theory for the Nissan Leaf -”Let me just drive around in this other electric car for couple years while waiting for the cool one.”
On that line, So I guess no one traded up from a Chevy Volt/Bolt because they are all Real People, Not Actors™?

so you haven’t dealt with the IRS then.

Thank you, this is the simplest answer. It’s all variable over the tax-year. (And anyone who says it can be made to be super simple is just ignorant.)

There’s no way to make the withholding match up to the taxes due *without* knowing your other income and deductions (assuming you itemize). It’s not like you make $1 and you owe 30 cents in taxes. There are lots of deductions and credits that determine what you ultimately owe. I have a lot of income (rental housing)

It’s worse because our government already runs everyone’s taxes. They could just do it themselves and not make us do it, and just send/request people a check each year. TurboTax, H&R Block, and other tax moguls are pushing to keep citizens (re-)doing their own taxes to make money.

Yeah this is really the key to their question. Our tax system is designed to be messed with.

I’m one of these taxpayers, and it’s maddening AF. Rules about deductions change every damn year, and keeping track of it and keeping your withholding within reasonable limits is very hard unless you’re a tax lawyer. I’m happy if I get within $1000 by the end of the year.

Because the deductions/credits/exemptions for each individual/couple are different. They couldn’t possibly get the correct amount of withholding without knowing the exact amounts of those allowances that a person will claim and, in many cases, the amount of such allowance isn’t known until the end of the tax year

Because they don’t know how much you will end up deducting from your taxes for medical, charity, home mortgage interest, etc. And the taxpayer doesn’t always know what their outside income might be from taxes, rental income, investments. 

By and large, yes, if you do the withholding right and you don’t have investment income or losses. Psychology is weird, though—my father in law loves to over-withhold and get a big refund. You can explain to him that he’s basically giving the government a zero interest loan all day and he won’t care.

“Communities argue that the rich are getting richer and poor poorer,” Schtulmann told the news outlet, “so it’s social justice.”

They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.

Oooh, they’re going to need some Icy-Hot for that burn! I’ll rub it in for them.

Hey Chris,

“Buckeye football is no place for that kind of crap, Smith. What do you think this is, the wrestling team?”

“...nabbing him at his parents’ home where he lives in the basement.”