
For those that are STILL advocating for manual everything - I have two questions:

Musk - keepin’ it classy. [/sarcasm]

He already HAS made it worse by signing a budget that doesn’t fund NASA (I’m surprised he has referred to it as the “Department of Space” already) at the level that it needs to do what EVERYBODY ELSE here is asking/saying that it should do.

If you think it’s so easy, then perhaps you should take over.

In advance of these capsules being ready, the space agency should do a full review of how it determines risk tolerance levels for its crew. And once NASA has completed the anticipated certification reviews, it “should document lessons learned [relating to the potential] loss of crew as a safety threshold for future

In Ontario, if you do more than 50 km/h over the limit, the police can immediately seize your vehicle (roadside) and you can face a fine up to $10,000 and/or 6 months in prison.

ALSO a VERY Canadian thing to do...

You might want to further clarify that some more.

It’s unfortunate that when I asked one of the Volvo “product specialists” at the NAIAS either last year or a couple of years ago, they told me that the gas engine on the T8 twin engine model of the XC90 could ONLY recover 40% of the battery capacity. The rest - you HAVE to plug it in to fully charge the battery.

...and guess what happens when companies start losing profits/money.

Herr Drumpf’s trade war is stupid.

I love how they seem to think that 14,000 miles/year = a lot.

Isn’t capitalism swell/grand?

I doubt that he has one. The cheapest Tesla that you can get — their SOP date has been pushed back/deferred in favour of making the higher priced variants and getting those delivered to customers first.

To all those that hate hybrids — the new lap record just got set with a hybrid.

Of COURSE he’s an ass.

Where’s that Tesla fanboi now???

PRETEND to be snobbish about...

“can we at least agree that it’s a shit-ton of controls for a passenger car?” 

I think that I would be THAT guy that makes a distinction between a physical control vs. an analog control.