Gamegated ManFortress

Let's not give Focus Testers TOO much credit, now. They ARE the same morons who thought 2004's King Arthur (Clive Owen) needed a wedding at the end...

You should check out "Unpaid Internships" while you're at it.

Keep your politics and agendas out of our games, John Oliver, you Feminazi!!

"There is just NO WAY we can afford to pay 18-22 year olds a livable wage for college sports!" — People making millions upon millions dollars off college sports.

I think you're on to something here. Do you know if one of the Devs are Female? I have some choice words for them...

Can we talk about the liberal use of the phrase "Psychological Horror" in films and games?

Correct me of I'm wrong, but weren't the Dragonlance books (specifically Autumn, Winter, Spring) also started the same way? Being lifted from a group's actual DnD sessions? I recall hearing that somewhere...

Exactly!! That's what we love about it so much! It allows us to operate entirely 100% consequence free!

Rainbow Dash?

Can you PROVE we have done something wrong? People are members if they use our hashtag And these three reasons are why out movement is absolutely spotless:


I was in a rush to meet friends, I shall not fail everyone again. :(

I had dinner plans in twenty minutes! I promise to do better next time, Kotaku! ;_;

You must have attended a different GDC than the one I saw, Mr. Nathan, for all I saw before me was the desiccated corpse of the once Safe Male Space known as Gaming.

Joke's on you, Dying Light! My PS4 remains disconnected from the Net until I feel like connecting. You didn't patch shit, and I'm going to keep duping when I get home! Bwahahahahahah!

VIII....could have been better, but it still ranks pretty high in my list. Top 5 I'd say.

It's my understanding the change in pace and format was due to budget and manpower being diverted from both Xenogears and Final Fantasy Tactics to help with VIII. They got shafted for amother project and had to make due. :(

They went bankrupt because they gambled on a movie with a jaw-dropping budget that fell flat on its face in theatres. It had nothing to do with their games.

I purchased Brave Fencer Musashi exclusively for the FF VIII demo contained within.