
Then there’s a good chance that you regularly drop the most cringe-inducing, yet seemingly inescapable, post-coital line ever—ie:

The drawings are called “pins”. You can think of them as brooches, for millennials! You can place them onto whatever you like.

That was just for the video of me on the waterslide.

So I guess we can call this a successful publicity stunt?


I think mixing up different cultures is something they learn in racistgarten.

I hope she has to register as a sex offender.

that’s what he signed up for when he married Blank Livers

I don’t think it’s fake. I do think that he needs her a lot more than she needs him. She gives him mainstream legitimacy for when he decides to move on from playing an evil Norse God from a comic book. She gets the chance to brag about how she banged a Norse God from a comic book.

It’s because women’s worth as human beings in our society is reduced to their worth as sexual objects, and trying to exercise some control over how beautiful you are is something that women have to grapple with in order to survive, and that’s not something that men can experience in the same way. You can’t castigate

Or insinuating that if you never fantasized about being a teenage girl, that it must be because you’re not masculine enough? What the actual fuck. That particular bit about how “all men have a fantasy of being teenage girls” is such horseshit. It’s not just “teenage girls” they want to be—it’s not normal zitty,

I am a woman. I have a fantasy of being a little newspaper barker boy from the 1920's, wearing a jaunty hat and shouting “Papahs! Get ya papahs right heayah folks! Today’s headline is a real whoppah, see?”

This is how you know Blake Lively was a mean girl in high school. Because she thinks up shit like “meaty eyelids.”

As much as nostalgic me thinks that is a great idea I can’t help but think that it would be a spiral of crazy that ended with them half naked squatting in a strangers back yard eating marigolds.

“Sentient” is a bit generous